The British wedding website, CONFETTI.CO.UK, surveyed 4,000 couples to find out at which point in their married relationships they are happiest. CAROL RICHARDSON, the website's spokeswoman, claims that married couples are at their happiest 11 months and 8 days after their wedding. Hmm, that's pretty specific. Is it all uphill from there? The website also discovered that the secret to the having the happiest time together is being there to share the special moments; it does not involve lavish gifts or grandiose gestures. And after 2 years and 4 months pass, couples enjoy their best sex, most romantic meals and nights out with friends. Hmm, I wonder if this survey included couples with kids... And the most successful married couples spend upwards of 24 minutes a day having a heart to heart each evening and don't go to bed after an unresolved argument. Personally, I think these stats are ridiculous because there are no specifications of kids or other circumstances (HUSBAND SPENDS WEEKS AWAY FROM HOME, THEY LIVE IN THEIR PARENTS BASEMENT, ETC.) and absolutely no realism involved. How can they conclude a married couple's uber-happiness down to the day? Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Martin Seligman - Authentic HappinessHg Wells - Secret Places Of The HeartDr Peter Davies - Hopes And FearsLabels: married woman dating a married man the body language bible dating advice third date body language love dating advice man body language percentage david deangelo advanced dating techniques how to arouse a woman teen dating alpha male names
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