So, after Going Bovine, I briefly read The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart in one day, since I had heard so much about it and it was due at the library soon.
The Boyfriend List is about Ruby Oliver. A girl who was reasonably happy, that is, until she kissed her ex boyfriend and her social life blew to smithereens. She goes to therapy now. Her psychologist asked her to write a list of all the boys she was romantically involved with. This is her story.
I loved this book! Ruby was a quirky and fun character. I liked the pacing and the chapter structure as well as the writing. Also I loved how the frog on the cover was relevant to the novel. Really well done novel, although I preferred The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. One question though: What is up with E. Lockhart's protagonists always falling in love with assholes? Something to ponder.
Like my new background? I needed a change. I might try to get someone to do it for me though, if I come across the money to do so. *sighs* Also, I'm considering having a review structure so my reviews are more fun and interesting. Any suggestions? I'd love input!
Emma Out!
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