Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Im Now Officially An E Bacheloress

Im Now Officially An E Bacheloress
This morning I read an entertaining story in The Weekend Australian on internet dating, one line in particular caught my attention; "Once located in Loser Ville, online dating has moved into glossy new premises up the road in Funky Town". I have for years been mortified by the thought of meeting potential partners online through the likes of RSVP or eharmony. So many of my coupled up friends would say "you should go onto internet dating, I would if I was single". Good on you I thought. If you were single. Pft. Easy for you to say but to actually put yourself out there, or up there, is another thing all together. Eventually though, and of course in the interests of getting through 101 dates for this blog, I gave up and put myself on an internet dating site. And I'm not alone. According to a Nielsen poll, one in four adults have used the internet to find a partner, 38 percent are considering it and a whopping 15 percent of all relationships formed last year begun online (The Weekend Australian). So I trawled through the lengthy and arduous registration process where you're asked what seems like millions of multi choice questions. The end result is a personality profile and a selection of suitable matches to trawl through. Once you find a match you like you are then 'guided' through another lengthy process of more multiple choice questions between yourself and your match. Each day you receive an email with your new matches and any requests for communication. The interesting thing is the busiest day of the week for activity, or communication requests, is Friday and Saturday nights. This is further proof that people are moving away from seedy nightclubs to the internet in search of romance. So, stay tuned as I navigate my way around this new 'Funky Town' putting the theory of my coupled up friends to the test.

Source: datingforaverageguys.blogspot.com


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