IT'S OFFICIALLY A FULL MOON SUPERMOON IN CAPRICORN ON SUNDAY JUNE 23, 2013 AT 7:32AM. A Supermoon is when the moon is at its closest to the earth. Saturday and Sunday night will reveal the moon to be at it's largest and fullest, appearing 12% larger than normal. It will be super." A couple of great links are included at the bottom of this article that showcase this Supermoon from an astronomical point of view." The Sun moved into Cancer a couple of days ago, and with it Summer officially arrived on Friday. Though the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, is now behind us, the summer sun has many more months to shine and enjoy. The Sun in Cancer is now standing across the sky from the Moon in Capricorn. Their energy merges and flourishes as watery Cancer and earthy Capricorn complement one another's elements. These signs are good for seeing life in a new way and inspire us to initiate a new direction in life from a grounded place within ourselves that is in touch with our emotions. This Full Moon is in an auspicious connection with a Grand Trine in the water signs. The Sun in Cancer harmoniously connects with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. It's a time of life magic touched by practicality. We can change our life by shifting our emotions and how we imagine our life. Digging deep within ourselves gives us insight into how our emotional reactions impact how we are flowing with the stream of life towards our goals and achievements. Now is a time that denotes our egos get a much needed reminder of how our perceptions affect how we feel. Many of us will feel our long-held insecurities get addressed with a much needed spotlight. Bright lights pointing at those who have defeatist thoughts and feelings can lead to breaking out in a cold sweat. However, those thoughts and feelings are precisely what need to be rinsed clean and flushed out of our system now. By looking at our goals realistically with the desire to shine more brightly and with more self-respect you'll get the chance to sparkle. It will take effort to find ways to overcome your self-inflicted obstacles, but that's the gift of this Supermoon in Capricorn. Achievements happen when you're willing to do the work required. By focusing on ensuring you mold your emotions through positive, brilliant, successful thinking patterns, you'll be tuning in to the power of this Supermoon. Self-approval supersedes the expectations of others now. Confidence is easily lost when you focus on what others may think of you. Now is a time to think about what you want - not selfishly, but consciously. Take back your own power and leave other people's sabotaging, limiting beliefs behind. You can't live your life for what others want, think or believe. If other's misconceptions determine your perceptions of life, you'll only lose yourself. Self-acceptance and feeling at home under your own skin is super important now. To gain self-respect you need to make your own choices with stronger affirmations of confidence that you can reach your goals through your best efforts. Consistent action leads to self-respect. For just about everyone, the delicate dance between ego and emotions can deeply influence self-esteem, sometimes turning life into a roller coaster ride. Now is an important time to wash away some of those beliefs that have developed over your lifetime which have held you back from living a life that feels like it is full of love and opportunity. A good practice now to remove some of those limiting beliefs you've had for a long time about yourself is to write out how you feel about yourself and how those feelings were created in your personal history. The next step is to replace those beliefs you've had about yourself with a more loving perspective, much like a mother would have for her newborn child - pure love, no judgment and hope for the best. Move toward your goals in life by setting yourself up to experience the vibration of what perfect motherly love would feel like, for yourself. For those of you who may have had a pet you've loved and adored unconditionally, that's precisely how you should be perceiving yourself now. How highly you think of yourself really does mold a large part of how you experience life and react to others. Now you have a chance to recreate your perceptions of yourself so you can go out in the world and create a new karmic path. How you act and react to the world changes everything, and it all begins with how your core beliefs color the world. Recreating your core and initiating a new path for how you perceive your life, helps you climb the mountain and shine brightly from within now. This Supermoon in Capricorn is soon followed by a big move of Jupiter into Cancer on Tuesday and will remain in Cancer for just over a year. Jupiter brings with him a lot of optimism about how we experience life. A lot of light is going to wake up inspiration that continues to grow and brighten our feelings. A lot of people are going to start feeling a stronger connection to Goddess inspired spirituality and our philosophies and ideas of political authority in life will seek a stronger bond to matriarchal power and honesty. Truth will resonate with us deeply and emotionally. More people will be starting to wake up to the needs of Mother Earth and how we relate to our home in the cosmos. We will be more sensitive to the needs of our bodies and our relationship to the environment from a philosophical standpoint. Organic, natural foods that are free of pesticides and GMOs will become an important part of more people's personal philosophies about life. Each of us will desire to see our homes and our safe havens become more comforting and a place of solitude that allows us to explore and express who we truly are. People are also going to be feeling stronger importance in how the politics of the financial system impacts mortgage rates. Finding personal freedom towards your goals, especially financial ones, is gained through work and effort now, and it will take time rather than sudden liberation. Getting real with money matters and paying off debts is your best path to financial freedom now. Slow but sure wins the race. Fear about money and the future will only dampen your motivation. It's a good time to think about how to let go of things in life that require so much of your time and effort because of their need for maintenance. All those gadgets and material possessions may be weighing you down. Be sure to read our Weekly Horoscope for each sign which will be posted by Noon EDT on NadiyaShah.comEXTRAS FOR THIS HOROSCOPE YOU'LL ENJOY: Read more about the esoteric viewpoint of "JUPITER IN CANCER" on the Symbolic Living Forum by Brifae. *You're welcome to join the conversation and post as a guest without having to sign up. Watch your July Monthly Horoscope by Nadiya Shah which explains "JUPITER IN CANCER" for your sign here ASTRONOMICAL INSIGHT INTO THE SUPERMOON: ">"This forecast has been written by Symbolic Living. (c) 2013. All rights reserved." This article is not to be copied or republished without express written permission.Stay tuned for our regular installments of New Moon and Full Moon Forecasts by Symbolic Living.
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