The written language is Cyrillic. However the spoken language differs from Russian. It is smoother. Cyrillic derives from the work of Cyril, a monk who created the written form of slavic languages. He combined existing letters of other European languages including Greek.
Men are Attracted to Women's Voices
Recent psychological studies show that men are attracted primarily to a woman's voice. Ukrainian women have voices like none found in North America, and are uncommon in Western Europe, you will be pleasantly surprised. The study determined that a woman's voice shifts slightly when she is ready to conceive. In studies using only recordings of ladies voices, men rated woman's voices as "most attractive" when they were ovulating. So, the male of our species discerns differences in voice. This happens regardless of his conscious understanding.
Update: October 14, 2013- I have been living in Kiev now for almost 11 months. I am still amazed by how different women's voices are. Women in Ukraine not only dress, walk, and behave differently, their voices are very distinct from American womens' voices.
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