The NLP language model has been deprived from such people as Gregory Bateson, Alfred Korzybski, E.T Hall, and George Miller - many sources. To conceptualize the model we can say such things as the map is not the territory or the menu is not the meal. We can never describe things fully to completely understand the experience. Some of the main concepts of the model include: The world at large - "the only reality we have is inter-subjective reality; that is, each person's view of the world at large is observe dependent and as such true for him/her" (Kostere and Malatesta,1990). In short, it's impossible to have full truth in perception. Each reality of the world is different from every person, and different through their differing perceptions. The NLP model attempts to recognise the fact that it is possible for individuals perceive the same reality in a variety of differing methods which give people the ability to change their waves or thoughts about experience. Sensory Experience - Our internal systems translate sensory information (sound, vision, touch, smell, taste) according to our learnt and inherent patterns. This fact has two major implications. - The automatic internal patterns that we have imbedded in our brains determines to a large extent what is most significant and 'thus worthy of transformation' into the sensory experience. - The distinctions we make worthy of 'experiencing' are determined largely not by our environment but are simply the end product of subconscious processing. Experience of experience - We have internal representational systems that determines largely how experiences in the outer world are stored internally. These experiences are essentially the building blocks of experience. It should be noted that experiences at this level are subject to the constraints of conscious awareness. Information gets filtered out by the subconscious through these representational systems but does get stored there. Conscious awareness according to George Miller is only able to be aware of 7+ 2 chunks of information per second. The other important consideration that we must make from this is the fact that behaviour isn't determined largely by consciousness but by the subconscious. Language - Language or the symbolic sounds that are can be representations of experience cannot perfectly describe the or a reality. From this we can see that slippages can occur since experience can never be portrayed accurately. From this we must understand that language is a rule governed language and therefore incomplete. That the real meaning from a statement of language can be accessed by not easily discernable in some cases. Although language is of deep benefit (obviously), it can cause miscommunication through slippage points whereby language doesn't accurately portray the experience.
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