Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Makes A Good Nlp Coach And Mentor

What Makes A Good Nlp Coach And Mentor
While the very best coaching and mentoring depends on the strength of the relationship between the client and the coach or mentor, and therefore depends on the specific context, we have found the following list to be a useful guide as to what makes a good coach and mentor:o A curiosity about helping people solve their own problemso In control of their own goals, not simply serving their clientso Life experience o Business experience o Ability to 'shut up' and give the client room to thinko Ability to suspend ego, albeit temporarilyo Developed their own models from other coaches, mentors and clients o Formal accreditation o Practice, practice, practiceo Feedback, feedback, feedbacko Feedback against results, rather than what people say at the time Good training and coaching enable you to significantly 'build on' and 'amplify' what you're already good at and therefore training is an important part of the mix in becoming a good coach or mentor.You may be interested in Michael's NLP Trainings.


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