My personal and professional experiences have taught me that depression and anxiety, general unhappiness, relationship problems, and an assortment of other emotional and social ailments are due in great part to a lack of focus on the Light. The solution is simple, but works best when a comprehensive approach is taken as follows:KEEP YOUR MENTAL FOCUS ON THE LIGHTThe power of our mind will attract back what we send out. If we retain thoughts of darkness, fear, or doubt we are likely to attract more of those experiences to confirm its existence. We don't need to deny the existence of darkness, but simply put our focus on the light. The way to clear the darkness out of a room is not to chase it away or fight it, but to just turn on the light.KEEP YOUR EMOTIONS TUNED-IN TO THE LIGHTNegative emotions drain the light out of our spirit. To boost our spirits, focus on positive emotions. Make a list of what you are grateful for. Make efforts to feel empathy towards someone that you do not easily understand. Practice forgiveness. Develop acceptance towards a situation that is beyond your ability to control. Sit in stillness and create a moment of peace.BRING YOUR BODY INTO THE LIGHTGet yourself into the sunshine. If you are in a cloudy area, take a drive up to the mountains or away from the clouds and find the sun. If that is not an option, go tanning for a brief time. If possible get your skin exposed to the light and sunshine to increase absorption of Vitamin D. Light boxes and sun lamps are also reported to increase this important nutrient.REMIND YOUR SPIRIT OF ITS HARMONY WITH THE LIGHTGet your scriptures out and read verses that are referenced in the Topical Guide for "Light." Another powerful term is "Enlightenment." Some examples are: * "I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you... " 1Nephi 17:13 * "... I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall "enlighten" your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;" Doctrine "> Cristine Price is a Life Coach and Professional Counselor. She has a Master's Degree in Psychology and specializes in LDS Self-improvement. As a Life Coach she emphasizes a solution focus and strength based approach, rather than focusing on problems and pathology. Obtain many LDS-oriented self improvement resources at Article Source: Price
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