Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hello Goodbye

Hello Goodbye
As we saw last month's RESPECT theme draw to an end, I thought you would like to know what actually went down

Teen taking a break from Bench-Ball for a photo shoot. Photo By Cameron Price

So here's a quick reminder of the activities that got our teens' adrenaline filled and in the know about RESPECT. Back to back in their groups, the teens (older and younger) locked arms. Whilst staying in this circular formation, they had to" respect "everyone's ability and positioning, and move around as one to find and collect all 8 puzzle pieces! Bending down or reaching up to collect these pieces became difficult if the whole group wasn't working as one.

A1 (flip chart) paper was then given to each group once the searching was finished, and with everyone's help, the puzzle pieces were put together to make one of the 7 letters: R E S P E C T.

"FYI- I helped make these puzzles so, from experience, I can truthfully say that WOW, some of them were tricky. I do believe the T, which seems pretty simple to create out of different shapes, was not!"

Mini activities were then completed by following prompts on the back of the puzzle pieces. The final prompt was to create a drama of one of the 5 Teen Club rules and perform it for the rest of Teen Club!

Puzzle pieces, with a few examples of the mini activities. Photo By Poppy Gaisford

'R' ESPECT. Teens working on mini activities, after completing their puzzle. Photo By Beckie Kealy

Whilst these activities were happening, we whisked the older youth off and did a set of activities based around 'Relationships'. These included discussions about expectations of boyfriends and girlfriends. We then had a CONDOM RACE to ensure that each teen knew each step to putting on a condom correctly; from checking the expiration date to putting it on and taking it off the right way. Female condoms were also shown, explained and discussed. The whole session gave our older teens the chance to ask questions, knowing they were getting a true professional answer from our Teen Club Coordinator / Nurse, Darryn.

Condom race. Photo By Beckie Kealy

Siphofaneni is our last Teen Club of the month, and it is always the craziest! From forgetting to pack some equipment, to the weather being so hot you can't breathe, let's just say it keep's us on our toes. The number of children, and their age range, is dramatically lower than any of our other Teen Clubs. Taking this information on board, the treasure hunt activity had to be changed:

Groups of three or four made the same formation as previously stated but instead of hunting for their pieces, they raced for them. Each of our wonderful volunteers stood at a different point holding a selection of different coloured puzzle pieces. Every arm-locked group then had to find one of their coloured pieces and relay them back to another line of volunteers who were standing waiting. Back and forth and back and forth our teens went until all the pieces had been collected and delivered.

Siphofaneni: Teens in smaller groups, racing to collect and deliver puzzle pieces. Photo by Cameron Price

All in all, every aspect of this month's lesson-plan was a huge success!

See below for a juicy taster of what to look forward to...

Thank you again to everyone involved and for all the help from our supporters. As always if you have any questions, comments, concerns please let us know at:


* Team 4 of Skillshare volunteers to hit Swaziland!
* Early Bird's flying sky high
* Find an update on how we are getting on with fundraising to send out Teen Club representatives to the International AIDS conference in the USA!


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