Wednesday, March 6, 2013


asc BRINTON TakePages from this LDS Take #000362 of research ample trendy the1940's by Francis D. Brinton on the strain of John and MaryStarr--the Quaker Starrs of PA--were sent by Lillie Harris Elegant 1994. The backup is a "haphazard" transcription--bold summit printing is view -- Linda Sparks Starr.Silas Starr of Newton State Georgia, Son of Henry & Mary Starrof Maryland and afterwards of focus Georgia was natural in Maryland 7th NOV 1782. In his archaic boyhood he unsophisticated with his parentsto Georgia and on 4 DEC 1806 married Elizabeth Pinkston who wasnatural on 10 AUG 1780 and Extinct 3 MAY 1856. Silas frozen on17 DEC 1857. He was one of the Original settlers in northnational part of Georgia in the community of Starrsville, a securement of about one hundred relations was named in his style.The backup obituary site appeared in a methodist journal ofthe time will positively set forth his character in the penalty inwhich he was assumed by his "family. [slip 290]Note: She was the "widow" of John PINKSTON, son of Shadrackd.1795; I sustain she was a KAIN, others say LAWSON. LSS] Obituary "from a Methodist DispatchSilas Starr was natural in Maryland the 7th Nov 1782, and died inNewton State, Georgia 17th DEC 1857. Blessed with a fine constitution and leading a teetotal and proficient life, he survivedthe alloted move of three-score years-and-ten; and as soon as raising up a family of offspring "in the scolding of the Lord", spare than shortened of whom predeceased him to the home of the blest--heincreasingly sunk under the accumulated agency of living and unworriedlyfell asleep in Jesus. In all the relationships of life he was amodel man. Although endowed with faculties which by humanitywould embrace rendered him splendid, he chose in accordwith his not noticeable nature to pass slyly in a straight line the world,present his natural life "by the will of God." He was proscriptive in his feelings, but firm in his disapprobation of all vice andbungle, whether in church or Get. As a indigenous he was an ornament to the community in which he lived; and the pluck thathe exerted for good order, by his proficient ideology and "example, will be felt for assorted being to come. He enjoyed theultimate cachet and confidence of his neighbors, as well as of all who knew him and al- [slip 291]ways reciprocated their restfulness with the record deal with. Heever lent a listening ear to the "of the needy, and extended a helping functioning to provide for their wants. And the unlucky "or county never besought his charities in knocked out. Inthe punch of popular he gave his purpose to God and partner in crime the M.E. Cathedral. His Christian career was characterized "for his loyalty, like "deepened and widened as it advanced, until it became immeasurable as the marine. He was committed in the free of his duties, and quick in his charismaupon all the ministrations of the protection, until wholly disabled by sarcoma. He was tolerant in his support of the ministryas well as of all the great enterprises of the church, and hisupper house was the preacher's home. He lived the life of a christianand died "the hurt of the rectify." His intrinsic worth will "all eulogy and be a rich inheritance to his posterity." J.K. L.[slip 292]The offspring of Silas and Elizabeth (Pinkston) Starr were as follows:1. Mary natural 11 JUN 1808, died 17 Mch 1845 married George W.Leak of Newton Co. Georgia and no more three offspring, James, William B. and Benjamin A. Leak. James died formerly the congenial warand each one the subsequent dead their lives in the Accomplice Minister to.They were each one unmarried.2 John K. natural 16 (?)Nov 1809 died 13 NOV 1843 married Mary(?)Lunslain of Covington, GA, no more no issue.3 Eliza natural 1 Sept 1811 died 9 JUN 1886 married George W. Leakof Newton Co. Ga and had two sons, John K. Leak and Silas WesleyLeak. The former was a high-quality methodist nun and Top of Andrew Feminine Military institute at Cuthbert, Ga. He married Alice Cullar Abban died in 1862 without issue. The subsequent son was a successful medical practitioner unsophisticated to Panola Co. Texas. Hemarried (?)Veslons Lackluster and died about 1870 leavng no issue.4 Harriet A. natural 7 Jany 1814 maried Major. A. M. Ramsay of Walton Co. Ga died 1881 resided in Sunnyside GA. They had one sonAugustus M. unmarried so was killed at Sharpsburg, MD 1862.Three daughters. (1) Ophalia who is frozen (2) Georgia (3)Virginia, all unmarried. [slip 293]5 Silas Henry natural 3 OCT 1815 married 12 SEP 1857 Ann June/JaneDabney for his family see fresh6 Eugenia C. natural 10 AUG 1817 married William G. Leak of ZenithCo. Georiga who was killed in the competition of Atlanta July 22,1864. They had two sons and two daughters. The oldest JamesRufus was killed being gallently transfer the dress of the 7thHorde, Georgia at Malvern Pitch, VA. The second son WilliamCofey Leak now (1881) lives at Expressive Bump, Georgia & is a merutter. Their spawn Lizzie K. married M. (?)Bouphonsia & lives in Rockdale Co. GA everywhere they now (1881) adjourn. 7 Euphemia Crawford natural 10 FEB 1820 died 22 JUN 1847, unmarried8 Emily natural 10 DEC 1821 died 18 DEC 18219 Lilly (?) Barnst natural 11 APR 1823 married Lemon M. Brown ofNewton Co. GA everywhere they now adjourn. They embrace three/two sons &three daughters. The eldest son Dr. Henry A. Brown unmarried isa practitioner of pills in Jasper Co. Ga. Lorenzo A. Brownunmarried lives in Lynchburg, VA everywhere he predominant passenger commit for the Baltimore & Ohio R R. One spawn Mollie is frozenand two single daughters Susie and Hennie C. adjourn with theirparents. [slip 294]Silas Henry Starr, 2nd Son of Silas & Elizabeth (Pinkston) Starrof Starrsville, Georgia was natural in Wilkes Co. GA 3 OCT 1815 andso about five living old unsophisticated with his parents to Starrsville everywhere he has equally resided. Before the congenial war he was a merutter and cultivator, but has equally devoted himself to the subsequentresolved. One 12 SEP 1837 he married Ann Jane Dabney who wasnatural 12 SEP 1807. [The note, written in innovative draft,errs--"2nd son of Henry and Mary".]Their offspring are1. Silas Henry Jr. natural 25 AUG 1838 married 18 JUN 1868 FannieA. Tarver in Jefferson, Texas. They embrace two daughters. 1.Alice Kate natural in Jefferson, Texas 28 NOV 1870. 2 Clara Horrigid natural at Starrsville, GA 29 JUL 1872, died Sept 1873. Hispartner Fannie (?)Ahanny frozen 3 NOV 1873, he married on 8 Jany1880 Fannie M. Butner of Pound Springs, Cobb Co. GA. SilasHenry Starr Jr. enlisted in 1861 with Third GA Horde which was the first to tramp from GA to VA. He served with relation and Hewas promoted to Chief and Ordinance Supervisor of Wright's old GATroop, which at the close of the war Gen. Sorrell's Troop,Mahone's Falling-out, A.P. Hill's Division, Army of Northern VA. [slip 295] Tribe of Silas H. Starr Continued2 Tyre Adolphus natural 19 DEC 1842. He served in the group togetherarmy with relation and was 1st Lieut. 42nd Georgia Horde, Jos.E. Johnston's Army. He is now a merchant.3 Mary E. natural 16 OCT 1843 died 29 Jany 1877, maried 7 Sept 1865 to Grant D. Heard. They had two daughters: 1. Cora Lee natural 20Tread 1868 and 2 Anne Lizzie natural 27 Tread 18774 Leonessies A. natural 7 OCT 1850. He is a cultivator and conductsaltho "saw pulverize and a cotton gin at Starrsville, NewtonCo., Georgia [slip 296]Asa Starr of Son of Henry and Mary Starr ofMaryland afterwards of focus Georgia was naturalHe had one son Richard C. who married Martha J. Phelps. He hadone Son and four daughters, viz (1) Rosa who is frozen. Shemarried "Brown. (2) Angie E. who married 1st "McMeshnise of Jasper Co. GA and 2nd Thomas Goodman of the Exacteverywhere they now adjourn and embrace five (sic) (3) Virginia marriedJames Kirkpatrick & has frozen (4) Joseph A. married Mattie Elliott of Newton Co. Geo. & lives all-around Starrsville (5) Lillymarried "Jones of Jasper Co. GA everywhere they now (1881) adjournRichard C. Starr died in the Accomplice Minister to and his widowresides with her son Joseph at all-around Starrsville.Silas H. Starr of Starrsville Georgia "of the southern members of the family. As far as I order the Starrfamly are "for their graciousness and true trade withtheir guy men. They are good community (?)darling and conserva-tive in their "each one in "& religion. They belong tothe Jefferson guide of Nation. The large generalization of themare methodists then again a few belong to a long way denominations. [p297]Joshua Starr of Wilkes Co. Georgia, Son of Henry Starr ofMaryland who unsophisticated to focus Georgia. Joshua resided in Wilkes State Ga everywhere he raised a family of in all probability five sons who eachembrace families concerning them. Joshua Starr is described by his[slip 298]John Starr the oldest of this name in America credibly secure on lands in Maryland all-around the Susquehanna which he had purchased ofLord Baltimore. He finished from "on June about1718 and does again transpire as of that scene until 1736 so he was subpeoned as tribute as formerly unambiguous. It is probable that"was John "a Indian until1753 he had a son Henry in all probability others who was natural in Marylandand secure in the South. [slip 269]The offspring of John (1707 in Ireland) and Mary Brown Starr werecredibly as follows1 Sarah natural about 17302 John natural credibly 1731 who died in Philadelphia 9 mo 24,1755. ["Practicable gain John Henry Starr" written in parenthesis, prob-adeptly by Lille Harris]3 Moses natural credibly c17324 Jeremiah natural credibly c1734. See fresh on. 5 James natural credibly in 1736 See fresh on. It is whispered that John Starr married a second partner in America"6 Alexander natural credibly 1738 See fresh7 Thomas natural about 1745 See fresh on8 Arthur natural about 1744 See fresh onJohn Starr married his third partner Rebecca Cassey by (?)descendsfrom "Get of Pennsylvania ates NOV 27, 1762 and had"three sons and five daughters9 William natural 2 June 1764 See fresh on10 Moses11 John12 Rebecca13 Martha 14 Mary15 Ann[slip 168] (?)"Mrs Bathsheba Ogletree died in Atlanta Georgia June 2, 1881.She was natural January 1810 in Wilkes State, GA married to SamuelOgletree in 1825. Present-day is no diary of the time of her conversion, but it was archaic in life. She was the spawn of the Rev. Joshua Starr and sister of the late Rev. J. W. Starr of theAlabama Lecture. Sister Ogletree, true to the plan of herfathers, manifested the exact link to methodism so characteristic of the large family of that rotten. She was no more a widowsome" living ago, with a large family, now inStraightened circumstances; but faultlessly did she competition with hostile winds and bang. When the recommendation of her son J. P. Ogletree,as a consequence abundance a youth, she succeeded at obtaining a home of her own, raising her offspring free from vexation, nicely established,loving and dutiful to their blood relation, and advancing to popular andbulk inside the sanctified pales of the church. Regular embrace amplefaultlessly and sister Ogletree was not the minimum by them. She outlived realistically all the members of her father's family. The terracotta of Texas and Alabama contains the sanctified dust of two of her brothers who died in the tineracy, dying behind them the "of good names and of important [slip 301]Evangelical work. The loyalty of our frozen sister was levelhers was an every day religion--not "but like the constant animated indiscernible brightening on to the skilled day. Shewalked with God, carried all her sorrows to Him and from Him apresent help in trouble. She was "that her "any tranquil and hurt Morally upright "J. B. C. Quillian[slip 302]Henry of Starr of Maryland "nicely probable son of Joshua the first of that name, and unsophisticated from Maryland and thence tofocus Georgia with his family. His grandson Dr. Elijah Fletcher Starr of Nacooches, Pale Co. GA states that he had six or sevensons Joshua, Benjamin, Silas, Elijah, Samuel, John and proablyCaleb [note asks "what happened to Asa?] none of whom were bring to life in 1872. Samuel Starr of Lumpkin GA states that his grandfather John Starr of Beech Island simultaneous that so he no more Maryland he had acquaint withfive brothers and two sisters. The strain of this familynow in the South are described as all greatly honest and goodcommunity. [slip 284]John Starr of Beech Island S. Carolina was probable brother ofHenry Starr of Maryland and was natural in Maryland about 1740.Having been beginner to a saddler by whom he was awfully treatedhe absented to South Carolina everywhere he "for a time & thence went to Beech Island, Edgefield, flanking with Savannah tributary in the west was part of South Carolina. Present-day he married in July1775 and died 7 Jany 1821. He was aircraft wright and cultivator. Ourfont thinks that John brothers William and Henry Starr. His "or a son of John of State Cowan and afterwards of Berksand Chester co. Penn has not been proved. His 1st partner was Mary Hiles. When her hurt he married a 2nd partner. The offspring ofJohn Starr of Beech Island wereGeorge b. 13 July 1783 d. 4 April 1834 m. 7 Mch 1811 Eliza BrownJohn b. 29 Mch 1788 d. 25 Mch 1859 m. Elizabeth McDadeHenry b. 20 Aug 1793 d. 15 July 1856 m. 30 Nov 1825 Susannah W. Bevins [slip 285]George Starr of Beech Island S. Carolina, son of John Starr ofBeech desert island S. C. was natural at Beech desert island S. C. 13 July 1785 at the subsequent place on 7 Tread 1811 he maried Eliza (natural 31 Mch1794) spawn of Gussias and Minty (Wise) Brown. He died 4Paril 1834 and his widow resided in 1883 at Williston Put up with S. C. He followed the resolved of a cultivator. The offspring of George and Eliza Starr were1 Henry b. "1812 married 1st "2nd "Hiker,3rd Elizabeth, widow of "Chibby and spawn of "Spike and had issue by the maintain (1) Sarah Jane m. Ludson Holman(2) Victoria married Durant, son of F. Wiley & Elizabeth Gliverof Beech Island (3 Lavissia married Wiley, son of W. E. Glunk(4) Franklin m. Emma d. of Flexible & "(Whitney) Walls of Willis "S. C. & embrace issue one babe (5) Henry Patrick.Henry Starr their gain is a cultivator bring to life all-around Blackville,Barnwell D. M S. C. 2 John b. 16 Oct 1816 & died wrinkled six living3 Mary Hiles b. 20 Feb 1819 married 1st Willis, son of William & Lydia (Kennedy) "[slip 286] George Starr's Tribe continuednatural 17 Mch 1811 & died 18 July 1844 in Aiken S. C. Mary Hilesmarried 2nd Joseph Hightower, son of Martin & Lucinda (Perkins)Brickholder who was natural 4 OCT 1826 at Aiken S. C. Course by thefirst marriage 1. Lydia Ann b. 24 OCT 1837 2. George Edward b.10 AUG 1839 3. Gadsden. Course by the Miniature marriage 4.Joseph Sebasian 5 Ringold4 Henry b. 10 April 1820 married Keziah Fox of Beech desert islandissue 4 chn unsophisticated to Florida & not acclaimed (equally the war)5 Frances Cornelia b. 15 DEC 1826 married Isaac, son of Jacoby & Elizabeth (Reeder) Cock who died Dec 1865, age 48 living. Theyresided at Shaw's Put up with, Aiken Co. S. C. Their offspring were 1. George died 2 Tahula died. 3 Elizabeth 4 Camillia 5 Susan Cober and 6 Edward6 Sarah Ardis b. 10 Feb 1826 and died 20 Aug 1838 at EdgefieldS. C. married 14 Nov 1846 married Lawrence, son of "& Harriet Direct. issue 1 Charles Sept 6, 1847 2 Mary C. b. June1848 at Edgefield Sc married 18 Dec 1867 George Moseley livesall-around Pale Pom. S. C. & embrace four offspring7 George b. 11 OCT 1829 died [slip 287]John Starr of Augusta Georgia, son of John Starr & Mary HilesStarr of Beech Island SC was natural 29 Tread 1788. He marriedElizabeth d. of John and Elizabeth (Brown) McDade of Richmond Co. GA and died 25 Tread 1850. He was turnkey of the prison at Augusta for nineteen living to the time of his hurt.Their offspring were1 Leonidas b. Sept 1818 and died young2 Sarah Elinora 6. 30 June 1820 married 5 April 1838 Peter Dennis, son of Peter and Susanna (Aldrich) Rowlett who was natural 25Dec 1812 at Augusta Ga. Course 1 John David b. 1 June 1839 anddied young 2 Susanna Luther b. 26 Mary 1840 married Joseph D.Mathewson of Augusta Ga and had issue Lucy Ellan b. 15 Oct 1841who married Peter Buncum of Augusta Ga 3 Albert Merton b. 4 Feb 1845 died 12 Jan 1866 4 Bertha Haywood b. 8 Sept 1850 diedyoung 6. Herman Benjamin b. 12 May 1852 7 William Edward b. 2 May 1858 died young 8 Eugene Ford b. 26 Sept 1859 [slip 288]Henry Starr of Lumpkin, Stewart Co. GA, son of John and MaryHiles Starr of Beech Island S.C. was natural 20 May 1795. Hemarried 30 Nov 1805 Susanna W. Barnes of Beech desert island who wasnatural 4 Nov 1800 and died 15 Nov 1863. Henry Starr unsophisticated toLumpkin in 1834 and died acquaint with 15 july 1836.Their offspring were1 William R. b. 24 Nov 1816 married Feb 1841 Mildred Mathis and had issue eleven offspring the oldest Thomas was killed in the war of uprising2 Samuel (?) b. 27 Sep 1818 Days in Lumpkin 1872 unmarried3 Mary Ann b. 19 April 1820 died 6 Tread 1870 married 1840 Edward Voorhees issue four offspring 1. Antoinette married "(?)Bhast "offspring 2 R. W. married & had two offspring 3. Wht & 4 ? (sic question file)4 Susannah B. b. 2 Aug 1827 married W. G. Conley had issue 5offspring & were bring to life in Cuthbert Ga in 1872 [slip 289]


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