We are currently looking for volunteers to be Befrienders for two of our services, namely the Sexual Assault Befrienders Service (SABS) and the general Befrienders service for a range of issues, including family violence, court hearings for maintenance, divorce, etc.
You may volunteer for one or both of these services. More details are given below:
AWARE recently launched the Sexual Assault Befrienders Service (SABS) to provide specialised services to women survivors of sexual assault. A crucial aspect of this programme is the Befrienders' service. SABS Befrienders will accompany sexual assault survivors to the police, the hospital or to court, providing information and emotional support to guide and help the women through the various legal and medical processes.
* Understanding of gender issues
* Ability to respond promptly in cases of emergencies
* Past experience of helping survivors of sexual assault (either as part of work or supporting friends or acquaintances) - preferable
* Sensitivity and communication skills to befriend someone who may be in a state of trauma
* Women above 23 years of age
* Agrees with the values of the organisation (Provided in application form)
* Time to be on standby for about four half days in a month - essential
All interested volunteers must undergo a two day training programme at AWARE to start volunteering as SABS Befrienders.
Please download the application form here. Email the filled application form to: SABS@AWARE.ORG.SG.
To find out more about being a SABS Befriender, you can also email your enquiries to the email address above.
Our Befrienders also offer support to distressed women caught in family violence situations, or going through legal proceedings for divorce or related issues. This can involve accompanying these women to family court, police stations, hospitals and other authorities to provide emotional support.
* Women above 23 years of age
* Sensitivity and communication skills to befriend someone who may be in a state of distress
* Agrees to the values of the organisation (Provided in application form)
* Commitment of at least 2 Befriending visits a year for a minimum of 1 year after completion of training
* A somewhat flexible day-time schedule as the family court visit usually takes place during working hours.
All interested volunteers must undergo training at AWARE to start volunteering as Befrienders. The training will take place over 3 weekly sessions of 2 hours each in the evening. There will also be an additional site visit to the family court itself.
Please click here to download the application form. Email the completed form to SUPPORTSERVICES@AWARE.ORG.SG.
If you want to find out more about being a Befriender, you can also email your enquiries to the email address above.
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