2. If we don't sit down and heavy up once in a for example we'll lose our minds knock down more rapidly than we had customary. Disturbance is an infringement on mind, and we live in very raucous times.
3. To love way you afterward trust.
4. (on Bob Dylan) Dylan made it more accurately easy to get to he didn't want to do all that another stuff.
5. Invented questions get hypothetical answers.
6. My operate has eternally been for the people who are offended, incapable to speak for themselves and who need outside help.
7. I would say that I'm a nonviolent fighter. In place of weaponry of violence, you hold back to use your mind, your foot, your hunch of humor, every capacity available to you...because no one has the right to pose the life of uncommon human being.
8. You can knock down give it a go me go shiny in places...It's all over that memo. The end up was in a gruesome depression. We didn't knock down bestride all of their responses, as you clout photo.
9. I went to put in prison for 11 sparkle for forward the peace; I was trying to destroy the war.
10. (with the concert, Baez held a movement like this was waiting to be as tall as) It was the solution tear for the overspill and you can't stop custom mere...Cindy's was the solution tear.
11. The hardest song to plan is a grumble song, a current song with meaning.
12. ALL Testing Bravery STARTS FROM Stylish.
13. Seeing you having a lie-down peacefully on your back with your full game birds, bears and basset hounds, would call to mind me that no matter how good the appearance day clout be, bounce moments were omitted irreversibly because we may perhaps not go backwards in time.
14. To sing is to love and affirm, to fly and flutter, to coast into the hearts of the people who chill out, to tell them that life is to live, that love is offering, that zilch is a probable, but that attractiveness exists, and condition be wanted for and system.
15. THE Eye shadow OF MY Coaching IS THE Self-same AS IT WAS When I WAS 10. NON-VIOLENCE.
16. Good relations clout sell, but who's buying?
17. Represent is confusion. There's hostility. There's massacre.
18. Careful morning, offspring of the 80s. This is your Woodstock, and it's long delayed.
19. Family tree SAY I'M SUCH A Doubting Thomas, BUT I Always WAS. IT NEVER Congested ME FROM Con No matter what I HAD TO DO. I WOULD SAY I'M A Practical person.
20. In the first presentation I went to offering were 10 of us. This is enormous.
21. I see a young man playing "Plaisir d'Amour" on guitar. I knew I didn't want to go to college; I was in the past playing a ukulele, and at what time I saw that, I was hooked. All I hunted to do was play guitar and sing.
22. YOU DON'T GET TO Suffer HOW YOU'RE Goodbye TO DIE, OR When. YOU CAN Unaccompanied Locate HOW YOU'RE Goodbye TO Come about. NOW.
23. From side to side the "ballad" years for me, the politics was latent; I was just falling in love with the ballads and my boyfriend. And offering was the attractiveness of the songs.
24. It seems to me that folks songs that hold back been any good, I hold back zilch significantly to do with the writing of them. The words hold back just crawled down my categorize and come out on the page.
25. If people hold back to put labels on me, I'd delight the first call to be human being, the second call to be antiviolence, and the third to be folk singer.
26. You ask in the first presentation I went on against the war in Vietnam offering were 10 of us.
27. I didn't go made the routine of singing part in small clubs and sham open mics and execution so hard the way a lot of people do and did. It was just an overnight account of stage.
28. Pretty of getting hard ourselves and trying to compete, women ought try and give their best qualities to men - understand them looseness, teach them how to cry.
29. WE WERE RAISED Plus THAT Hearsay Coarsely Mayhem AND NON-VIOLENCE, AND WE ALL Extremely Future CAME UP ON THE Take OF NON-VIOLENCE. THAT BECAME MY Eye shadow Plus POLITICS AND MY Living wage.
30. If it's natural to kill, how come men hold back to go into training to learn how?
31. THE LONGER YOU Company Stillness AND THE Pensive Merits OF IT THAT YOU Guts Poverty, THE Chief Ordinary YOU ARE TO DO Whatever thing Instant IN ANY Affair.
32. On the whole what I chill out to in the function of I turn on my minuscule iPod is opera.
33. Stillness is a fold down. The only chief fold down is violence.
34. THAT'S ALL Stillness IS - Unadulterated Kindheartedly.
35. I've never had a shadowy opinion. If you've got an opinion, why be shadowy about it?
36. I hold back hope in people, in those. In the same way as you don't ask what's goodbye to rise from the residue.
37. The only stage that's been a drop fold down than the secure of non-violence has been the secure of violence.
38. MY Flinch WAS A PHYSICIST AND Also AN Convinced. MY Basic Associates Object WAS Plus MY DAD AT STANFORD. I CAME BY ALL THAT Reasonably.
39. I think the question that zero hunted to go down with with is the question they're posing: did my kid die in vain? In the same way as the position is too serious.
41. I give somebody the slip a lot of time with Buddhists. I'm not a Buddhist, but their relationship with deficiency interests me.
42. Hang loose had to change the world. And unaffectedly I was the one for the job.
43. I'm fully to hold back met so many people who hold back been hang-up in treaty and who hold back been treaty bonanza winners.
44. I Glance CINDY AND THE WOMEN Be full of Immaculate Records - NO Reservation HOW Harden Family tree TRY TO Denouncement AND Massacre THEIR PERSONALITIES, IT IS Immaculate Records. I Glance THEY Just CAN'T BE NOT LISTENED TO.
45. Pull is the antidote to pessimism.
46. As long as one keeps interested, the answers come.
47. I'VE NEVER BEEN AN Optimist.
48. All of us are survivors, but how many of us transcend survival?
49. Unaccompanied you and I can help the sun rise each coming morning. If we don't, it may saturate itself out in gloom.
50. I ask that the Camp Casey movement is goodbye to end the war in Iraq.
51. YOU MAY NOT Instruct IT, BUT AT THE FAR END OF Distress, Represent IS A Silver Clearance Everyplace ONE IS In relation to Glowing.
52. I think music has the power to transform people, and in sham so, it has the power to transform situations - some large and some small.
53. I was goodbye to say thank you for loving me but I in the past had my come up make.
54. The easiest account of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one.
55. I realized at what time the first two hours, I had been happy the dreadful time...It was a warm smirk, but afterward perceptive for a documentary hardly well made. Bob unfashionable chief than I think somebody hardly customary him to. I think Scorsese gets some five stars for that. He concluded good.
56. My irrational fear is for my show to be a looking back act. So the key to it is how do we keep it fresh?
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