It must be that time of year, because I'm getting lots of questions right now about how to get over a breakup. Isn't it nice when someone dumps you right before the holidays? Merry Thanksgiving and a happy new f**k yourself to you, too! Bad timing is an underrated evil. No worries, though, because your old buddy Dr. Wise-Ass is here to help once again. (I'm not really a doctor, but I play one on television.) Now, I've posted before about how to beat the breakup blues, but those were quick ways to get over the initial shock. This is different. Today I want to talk to you about long-term healing--and yes, it is long-term by necessity. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was your now-dead relationship, so healing takes time. Follow these four steps, and you'll be okay. Doctor's orders. First, MAKE A CLEAN BREAK. This is hardest step but it is crucial to your healing. If the relationship is over, cut it clean. Be done with it. Clean cuts hurt, but not as much as ragged ones. Skip the wasted energy and emotional turmoil that come with making up and breaking up again, or sleeping together after the breakup, or trying to be friends. It won't work. If you want to heal, you must move on. You can't move on until you make a clean break. That means cutting all contact. Second, ALLOW YOURSELF TO GRIEVE. Yes, you are allowed to be sad and weepy for a while. Breakups hurt. No one expects you to get over them in a day. Take some time to work through the raw emotions you're feeling. It won't be easy, but it's easier to do it now than later. Remember too that it is temporary. Set a reasonable amount of time to grieve, then stop and get on with your life. Put a date on the calendar if you must. Next, DISTRACT YOURSELF. Now that the crying has stopped and you can breathe again, it's a perfect time to try something new in your life. Travel, take up a new hobby, or--yes--start dating again. You've just worked through a very hard time, so get out there and start living again, having fun, and getting back to who you were before the old relationship went south. Finally, BE PATIENT. Just because you mourned the breakup for a month or two doesn't mean it will never hurt again. Real healing takes time more than anything else. The relationship took months and years to build, so it will be a while before the sting is completely gone. Be patient, and expect it to hurt a little bit less with each passing day. You are a survivor, and you will get through this. Happy healing.
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