Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bnp Bosses Uncovered

Bnp Bosses Uncovered

Office chief James Dowson sent this pic of

himself with a shotgun to ex-employee after a dispute

This is gun-toting BNP fundraiser Rev James Dowson calmly walking down the street with his toddler son and wife - and a shotgun!

The crazed anti-abortion nutter, who has a list of convictions including possessing a weapon, sent the phone photo to a former employee after they fell out over a computer which holds the entire BNP membership database. The Scottish 'businessman', who has loyalist links and lives in Ballygowan, runs the right wing BNP's national nerve centre in east Belfast under the cover name Adlorries.

But the entire operation was thrown into chaos recently after his right-hand woman quit her job of running the office and took a computer which contained the BNP membership list. Today the former employee lifts the lid on life working for 44-year-old Jim Dowson and the BNP in Belfast. She reveals how:

* Dowson sent her the photo of himself with a shotgun and threatened other members of her family with the UVF.
* The rabid nutter flew into a rage after a Belfast recruitment sent two Asian men and two gay people to work in the Dundonald office.
* Dowson runs a string of charities from the Belfast base and collects donations for doing nothing.
* BNP members have been conned into buying a lifetime membership which comes with a lb100 watch - which is actually only worth lb19.99.

It comes in the week when a fresh leaked list of alleged BNP members appeared on the internet and convicted race-hate leader Nick Griffin's controversial appearance on the BBC's Question Time.

Following a dispute with Dowson the former employee, who can't be identified, says she kept a computer belonging to the BNP because he refused to pay her substantial wages she claims she was owed. Dowson then sent her this picture of himself, armed with a shotgun. "I took that as a threat - why else would he send someone he was in dispute with such a photo?" says the former BNP officer manager.

"I worked for them at their office in Dundonald for the last eight months because it was a job and I needed the work, plus it paid well. At the start it was just like organising any other office but recently he wanted me to get more involved in the political side of things and I ended up working more for the BNP directly. But it got too difficult because I hate what the BNP stand for, plus I live with my partner in a republican area. I'm not scared of Dowson though - he's a wannabe hardman and I think he's full of shit."

Dowson, who once told the Sunday World he would never "get into bed" with the BNP, has a string of convictions including breach of the peace in 1986, possession of a weapon and breach of the peace in 1991 and criminal damage in 1992. He also has close links with loyalist groups here and has produced flute band tapes which glorify UFF mass killer Michael Stone.

Following our expose of his secret BNP office back in June, Dowson told UTV that he hated the BNP and only ran their call centre on pure business grounds. However we can reveal that Dowson is a fully paid up 'life' member.

The former employee says Dowson once flew off the handle after a Belfast recruitment agency sent gays and Asians to work in the BNP office.

"He went mental when these two Asian fellas arrived to work for us. I asked them did they realise who they would be working for and they said they didn't care, so long as they got paid. Then they sent us a man and a woman who were quite obviously gay and he had them chucked out before they even got an interview. I left in the middle of September and he told me to keep the computer in exchange for the wages he owed. But things turned nasty when my sister, who also worked there, left but before she did she changed all the passwords on the computers. My sister only did it because they treated her like a dogsbody.

"Jim then demanded the computer back and started to get nasty. We argued for about two days over the phone about it and then on Saturday I got the picture of him with his wife and son and a shotgun. He then called the cops to my house and had me arrested for theft. The cops are raging because he told them a load of nonsense about there being cops' and top judges' personal details being on the computer just to get them to arrest me."

She says Jim idolises leader Nick Griffin and loves the BNP.

"Jim went nuts after the Sunday World story in June and pulled us all in to a meeting. He banned mobile phones in the office and he installed cameras everywhere. But so many people have left he only had one call centre salesperson left. Jim is terrified that the place is going to fold because the business has dried up. During my time we brought in 4,000 new members but he can't get past 13,000 members.

Nutter Nick's girl is working undiecover in his Belfast office

Jenny Matthys, daughter of race hate nutter Nick GriffinTHIS the daughter of race hate nutter Nick Griffin - and she's set up home in Ulster. Posing in her underwear she looks like a decent fun-loving girl - but behind the veneer she's as bitter as her dad.

Jenny Matthys is a dyed-in-the wool BNP fanatic and has been sent by MEP dad Nick to Belfast to run the party's membership office. Jenny, who's 23 years old, is living in a tiny flat in Comber with her new Welsh husband who also works for the BNP in Belfast.

Her dad made a controversial appearance on the BBC's Question Time programme on Thursday night and it's believed Jenny was in London to bask in her father's 'glory'. The Sunday World can reveal that Jenny moved over here in July after a string of visits to Northern Ireland. Now she's living here permanently and has become a fan of loyalist band culture.

"Jenny loves the whole loyalist thing," says the former office manager of the Belfast BNP office. "She's a big fan of the Goldsprings Flute Band who are a blood and thunder band from Comber. Jenny even joined them recently and goes to band practice every week. She doesn't play anything - instead they let her carry the flag. She went up to Derry recently with Jim Dowson and his family to see the band parade."

Jenny is also filled with contempt for ethnic minorities.

"Jenny is just like her dad. She loves the BNP and wants to follow in her dads footsteps. In fact she's even worse than her dad because she says stuff that he even realises is too stupid to say. And she's like him in other ways too - she's extremely arrogant - in fact she's a complete bitch.

As a 17-year-old Jenny planned to run for council as a BNP representative but the plan never got off the ground. But she has spent most of her life since she was a teenager working to promote the vile views of the BNP. Her husband Angus works in the mailroom of the Belfast office and came over from Wales to live here with Jenny.

Racist gets invite to Ulster

Hardline loyalists are to invite BNP leader Nick Griffin to address supporters in Ulster.

A fascist group based in Mid-Ulster have been in contact with the BNP's head office in London. It followed his appearance on the BBC1 Question Time show on Thursday which was watched by a record 8 million viewers. The hardline loyalists want the MEP and one of his right wing councillors to come to the province in the New Year to host a question and answer session.

Said a source: "Loyalists are fed up that their local unionist politicians who don't speak up for them. We want Ulster to remain British. We don't foreigners coming and taking our jobs and our homes. We want a councillor to stand in next year's elections as mid Ulster has a large foreign national population. We will give him a warn welcome because we believe he speaks up for the loyalist people of Ulster.'

Nick Griffin is no stranger to Ulster and has a long association with hardline loyalist groups over his opposition to Sinn Fein and the IRA. Five years ago, the Sunday World revealed how Griffin held a series of meetings with neo Nazis groups at a Belfast hotel. He also met a number of senior UVF figures who were Ulster cheerleaders for the BNP.

Sunday World


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