Third dates are often taken for granted by men due to their belief that they have done everything as far as laying down the groundwork for a possible relationship. On the contrary, third dates are in fact crucial because they are both a milestone as well as a hurdle. On one hand, you have presented yourself positively on the first two dates (hence the third). On the other, you might just break your streak by becoming a bit too complacent. Listed below are 5 best tips for third date advice including practical tips on how you can impress a woman further as well as avoid committing common blunders that could hurt your chances at a fourth date. THIRD DATE ADVICE #1: CHOOSE A MORE COMFORTABLE SETTING While first dates are usually tension packed, third dates are supposed to be more relaxed since you have already met a couple of times and are no longer complete strangers. As a general rule, it falls on the men to make their date as comfortable as possible, hence the need to choose a more informal date setting. For starters, if you choose to make a date out of a meal, be sure to pick a restaurant where diners need not dress up to get in the door. A nice French bistro or posh Deli would be a great venue for a third date because you and your date can be comfortable and still expect great tasting food and beverages. You might also want to give your date a heads up about the casual nature of the date so she can dress accordingly. Women generally do not like it when they get all dolled up for nothing because it takes them hours to get ready for a date, especially when going to formal restaurants.Third Date Advice #2: Go Easy on the Liquor The purpose of the third date is to get to know each other a bit better, not make a fool of yourself in a public place. While it is perfectly acceptable to have a glass of wine (or two depending on your personal limit), it is never wise to treat the date like a pub-crawl. Drinking too much liquor does not only lead to poor judgement, but it also send the wrong message to your date. Ladies like it when their date is present and sober, especially those who prefer long and interesting conversations. THIRD DATE ADVICE #3: GET CLOSE BUT NOT TOO CLOSE Physical contact (not counting the goodbye kiss on the cheek) is expected on the third date. However, there are certain ground rules men should observe so they do not come off as disrespectful to their dates and women in general. For instance, leaning in for a kiss on the lips is perfectly acceptable. However, using too much tongue may be considered too forward and sometimes downright off putting. One of the best ways to initiated contact is by taking the lady's hand and touching it lightly while having a pleasant conversation. This gesture is both intimate and respectful at the same time, which would be greatly appreciated by your date. THIRD DATE ADVICE #4: BRING A SMALL TOKEN OR GIFT Presents are always welcome regardless of how long you have been dating a woman. However, the third date gift is crucial because it sends a powerful message to a woman. Practically anything that costs between 20 and 50 is acceptable, but the gift needs a bit of personal touch. For instance, if your date previously mentioned that she likes reading and is a fan of a particular author, you might want to bring a hardback copy of such author's latest work. Do not be tempted to give jewelery as a gift, regardless of whether or not you can afford it. While most women love jewelery, wildly expensive gifts sends the wrong message to your date, and can potentially harm the future relationship. THIRD DATE ADVICE #5: TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE If you are planning to date a woman for the foreseeable future, it is best to mention the future. Telling your date that you are having a great time and that you would love to see more of her in the near future would make her feel appreciated and wanted. Setting a particular date for your next meeting is not necessary, but you might want to mention a few ideas on where to go or what to do the next time you get together. These third date advice tips will not only ensure that you have a great third date, but they would also help in building a great relationship if you choose to get serious down the road.CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO TURN YOUR THIRD DATE INTO A FOURTH
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