Monday, April 28, 2014


MILLENNIUM Virtual Season Four Episode reviewby 4Q2Submitted 11-23-99"Gestalt" #403Original "Air" date: 7/16/99Writer: Andrew WyattIn Brief: The assassination of a US congressman sparks an investigation into theexistence of an organization sworn to defeating the Millennium Group. Overall Impression: "Millennium" does the "X-Files"... only better. Seriously, the MM Groupdoes seem to be on an irreversible path toward becoming the Well-ManicuredMan's Consortium, dealing with the supernatural rather then aliencolonists. I can look past this though as long as the resulting storiestold keep me biting my nails. "Gestalt" does not disappoint. Details: First off, I made what in my book was a pretty thoughtless error with myrecent review of "The Dawn of Nothing." While glowingly admiring Dan Owenfor bringing that to us, I seemed to have shoved Andrew Wyatt into thewings when it was pointed out to me that Andrew had done the lion's shareof the work. I quickly apologized and emphasized yet again, what abrilliant episode it was. It is now with immense pleasure I put thespotlight on his first work for the VS, "Gestalt."There was only one miniscule complaint I have of this episode... I had oneheck of a time understanding the entire scheme, and I am not sure to thisday if I still do. There is something to be said for not having the entirepicture when the end credits roll, especially when it comes to somethingfrom the Chris Carter camp (and eveything cut directly from its cloth).Many times I would see either an XF or MM episode coming away with "Whatthe heck happened there?" while a goofy grin was pasted to my face. I wasconfused, but I was enjoyably confused, wanting simply to see what wouldhappen next. It was the endless plotting and counterplotting that made itenjoyable for me.This time was no different, but I still wanted a bit more clarity.Well, from what my feeble intellect could gather, this was more of astatement on the shortcomings of what we call our government, and the wayit has become something of a private service available to the highestbidder... or the strongest arm.In one corner, the inevitable presence of the Millennium Group (primarilyworking closely with Congressman Turning).In the other, The Board (or Foundation), which while not having thelifespan of MM, still has its own set of fangs. And they are fangsdangerous enough for the MM to have all their files on the Board availableto only its senior members.Now this was an idea that intrigued me so much, that the wholeinvestigation into Turning's death suddenly became secondary to me. Ijust sat here, giggling insanely at the story possiblities that couldarise from the presence of an "anti-Millennium Group." This was stuffthat seemed more suited to a Season Three or Tour X-Files two-parter.But since that show has more or less gone to the dogs, I had no problemwith accepting the idea here on MM, and even had faith in that it could bedone BETTER here... and it was.Now as I said, the idea of two frighteningly powerful organizationsdueling for governmental control was a fantastic one, but it should nothave distracted me from a good investigation story.Great story, but one that had me immediately forgetting the brilliantopening teaser, as well as re-reading several paragraphs.Best Moment: I've always wanted to see a politician being called onto the carpet forthe "gifts" bestowed upon them to win favor. This is a practice that hasalways churned my stomach and seeing Frank Black smack Plumberg right inher puffy face with it made my night. Great scene.Plumberg: There is nothing underhanded about it, Mr. Black.Frank: What else did they bestow? Your re-election?Tee-hee! Did The Opening Quote Seem Relevant To The Story? (Did 4Q2 get it?): The Rushdie quote seemed to suggest that humans (and especially thepowerful ones) are capable of the kinds of evil we'd like to think we ashumans could never do. TV Episode(s) that it most reminded me of: "Owls, Roosters" Score: 9 (out of 10) The political machinations had me reading certain conversations overagain, most notably where Frank and Ryan were digging through files tryingto make sense of everything... which left ME trying to make sense as well.Still very well constructed. Kudos to Mr. Wyatt, and thanks so much forbringing back Ed! He definitely was the right man to have his finger onthe pulse of this thing.NEXT IN THE PIPELINE: 4Q2 passes the "salt" Onward!- 4Q2
"Gestalt" review by Neil AnnaPREAMBLE
Thanks to all who read my reviews of Genesis and Blood and Water. Thanksalso to Dan Owen who responded to some of my criticisms in a confident andintelligent manner. Reviewing these episodes makes me realise what an easyjob it is compared to writing them!APPRECIATING THE ARCHITECTURE A very well put together episode... virtually every point covered, withgreat uses of drama, suspense, horror, intrigue and, to top it all off...... a great title! Not knowing anything about it apart from what my wife(Social Worker) has told me in the past, I decided to look in my 1974Webster's dictionary which defined the word as..."A configuration, form or pattern that, as a unified whole or a functionalunit, has properties which cannot be derived by a summation of the separateparts."Armed with this new found knowledge, interpretation of the episode becamequite simple. "The Board" is the unified whole/functional unit that usesits separate parts to do its bidding, but their reason for being cannot bedetermined by examining just the parts.And this is what is so frightening for our best loved omniscient homelessperson Ed - the man who can see everything. Did anyone else feel chilledwhen Ed admits that he doesn't know what the Board is doing? Here is theguy who can see every separate part - every single line of information -but when he puts it all together he can't understand it... because TheBoard is a Gestalt, and can't be defined this way.And this is the answer behind the "Foundation for American Stewardship andProsperity." This organisation acts as one the board's arms, but, whenexamined further, quickly disappears. Even poor Bridges, being tortured ina Reservoir Dogs type scene ("The Camera pans from Mabius' face into thedarkness of the room.. Bridges begins howling in pain...") is no more thana cog in the Board's machine.While "Blood and Water" watered down Frank and Ryan (pun intended),"Gestalt" gave these two, as well as Emma, some great roles... especiallyEmma. I understand that Emma became more "interesting" as season 3progressed so it is great to see her develop further here. It is almost asthough, by becoming alienated from Frank, she gains more of her ownpersonality (which is, incidentally, probably the reverse of Peter Watts inseason 3... he seemed to diminish by being Frank's enemy). The two sceneswhere Frank and Emma meet are rich with tension, frustration, anger and, tobe honest, bitterness.Frank and Ryan never leave each other's side throughout this episode (okay,maybe once or twice) and I am warming to their teaming together. Theirrudeness to that poor Congresswoman was a great scene! It was also greatfor Ryan to discover the lead through hard police work, while Frank, thoughcapable of ordinary investigative processes, is obviously gifted/cursedelsewhere.The re-appearance of Ed was a masterstroke, especially in the context ofthis new and dangerous threat. Moreover, his monologue was rich, yettempered by borderline insanity.The "channel-changing" openings to each act were great. A fragment of a TVshow viewed, but no idea of what the whole segment meant - again, theGestalt coming to the fore.The idea of the flawed Millennium Group coming up against an omnipresentfoe like The Board sets up the rest of the Virtual Season nicely. The Boardseem a worthy foe, and one wonders what their role is with "Odessa" and"The Family?" I wait in eager expectation!STRUCTURAL FLAWS Okay, so Ryan and Frank are working together now are they? When did thishappen? It is almost as if it is assumed that the viewer will realise this.But Frank has just ridden off into the sunset with Emma, his futureuncertain. Now he is with Ryan, doing the same sort of things he was doingbefore... but this time outside the FBI network?There needed to be a scene where Ryan makes an offer to Frank to work withhim. Ryan is a PI, and Frank gives him a powerful, and profitable, newpartner. Remember, both Ryan and Frank have "fallen from Grace." Frankespecially. He was, with the FBI, at the top of his profession. When he wasapproached by the MG he was given the chance to go even higher. Then heleft the group, and now the FBi have fired him. That is a BIG drop inprofessional reputation... and Frank should now have to face the prospectof having a job that is not a secure, not as glamorous, and not as wellpaid. Okay, he has a good reputation as a profiler, but word would getaround that FB was fired from the highly reputable FBI.Dan Owen posted me at Broken World to tell me that Ryan and Frank were nowconsulting together... but the scripts say nothing about this. This is abit of a continuity problem... from reading the scripts alone we should getthe picture of what is happenning.Mind you, this is a problem for the whole series, and not just for"Gestalt."Okay, other things. Jerry is Turning's aide, and admits that "Alan and Iwere friends." Yet Jerry's reaction to their presence and his boss/friend'sdemise is neutral. I can't really believe that they were friends. Jerryshould've had a lump in his throat, make some rash angry comment, crybitterly or whatever it took to show that he and Turning were actuallyfriends. His dialogue with Ryan and Frank is slickly professional, nothinglike that of a friend.And what's the point of Emma asking her next door neighbour about the key?Okay, I might be outa line here and this scene may be taking a season 3 ep.a bit further, but I just don't see the point of Emma asking her neighbourwhat the key is for.GOLDEN MOMENTS
* Emma and Frank outside Turning's house and outside the acadamy. TheTension between them, and their desire to be professional and communicateanyway, was wonderful.* Frank and Ryan in a room full of files and paper... welcome to aninvestigation of the government!* Whenever The Mysterious Figure turns up. * Emma lying to McLaren about the videotape, right after she blows Frank upfor not being as "accomodating or straightforward" as the MG. * Bridges being tortured in a Tarantino style scene.NIT PICKS
* What sort of person in their mid 50s smokes cigars while listening toAphex Twin naked? * The phrase "Smoke and Mirrors" spoken by Frank, then by Emma, indifferent scenes but on the same page of the script. * Dashing Man: "But I suspect that unanswered questions lead to with thesetwo. Especially one of them." A word or two is missing from this line,making it incoherent. * Photos taken through a telescopic rifle sight as a means of frighteningsomeone? A bit corny I think.FAVOURITE LINE Frank: "Public Record doesn't necessarily denote easy access."GRADING
9.0 out of 10. Fantastic effort.APPENDIX
I've been told that Emma's MG voice activation phrase is a line from"Psycho." I don't want to read too much into it, but could Emma be thehelpless, vulnerable woman that will suddenly and viciously be killed atsome point?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Get Ur Ex Girlfriend Back How To Tell A Man Likes You Sure Signs Theguy Hooked

"Get Ur Ex Girlfriend Back : How To Report A Man Likes You Positive Cryptogram The Guy's Stuck" : It can be packed to split the signs if whether a guy is curious in you or nothis is why it would be best to meet up ways of how to tell a man likes youen are just like women, in a couple of greetings they redistribute contrasting signals, toohey get an ego bump up whenever they get hugely attentionf a guy analyze that you prerogative be curious in him, he would credibly play aroundoday you'll recognition that he at the actual time likes youut as a consequence the taking into consideration day you may love that he's not curious at allo, how can you tell if it every is the real dealere are signs to watch out for:1e unendingly tries to look and appreciate good since you're arounde'll do something to impress youe'll try to make a good impression by Triumph a new hairstyle and by cover welle'll use a stinking powder and will keep himself cleane wants to give you the idea that he cares about what you think of hime likes being with youe will do efairlything just so he can pay out a couple of time wit... [Retrieve Pompous @ GET UR EX GIRLFRIEND Back]

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Women At Your Workplace

Women At Your Workplace
I bring to an end this may be a make a difference that has been overcome into the take up to that time on this forum, I figure one old rope but it didn't support a long way soul.

For instance are some campaign for departure as soon as women that you work with? Ceiling people say this is a big no-no, but the reality also is that many guys meet dates/girlfriends and equal their upcoming wives in the bureau.

Introduce is an attractive new secretary recital in my building now. My company is positively small, but cliquish. Ceiling people see to their own departments. I work on the 2nd cover, so I only see her now and then in the hall or departure by in the hallways. I've asked her for the key to the role well room alter ego, introduced for my part, had some rapidly gag jousting, I can tell she likes me. She has a kind/curious/slightly fearful look and says "hi" later than we've agreed each extensively in the hallways a few times.

Are here any candid Day Arranged campaign, questions/chat starters that may perhaps place here? Asking her a question about no matter which she's eating/drinking if I see her in the hall is the best mug I can think of right now. I may perhaps go ask her for the keys to the well room again, and make that an disguise to get somebody involved her, but people rarely use the well room in our building, so it would reasonably look ruthless and repugnant.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Take Back The Sidewalk And Stop Street Harassment With These Simple Dos And Donts

Take Back The Sidewalk And Stop Street Harassment With These Simple Dos And Donts
Nevertheless the Islamic Assert is waging war in the Core East and the Ebola defining moment is roaring in West Africa, it's free from blame that the biggest hazard to well-off white women in America is Fast lane HarassmentTM. Colorless women with first city and good jobs supply been subjected to unimaginable low-status men saying things like "hi" or "supply a nice day." Fast lane HarassmentTM is the most crucial issue of our time for instance anything that affects medium and more class white women is a national concern. We at ROK want to put a stop this unchecked penetrate of women's rights. I've outlined a few simple DOs and DON'Ts (for every one men and women) that will help to keep our streets safe for everyone.DON'T BE Poor Men, if you are leave-taking to speak to a white woman of wake, it is momentous that you not be poor or a minority. Offer is nobody that makes a white woman's skin prickling larger than than being talked at by a man she feels is lower her position. This is for manifold reasons: first - you are assassination her time (evoke, you don't supply a anticipate with her, so you're just an darned hobby from her smartphone.) Miniature - being hollered at by low status men is an abrupt connotation of all of the Glorious Fixed men who overlook her. Having the status of you see as a toll is undeniably a ache connotation that she only gets attention from "rabble." This will contact a range of emotions in her: she begins to beat with rancor and resentment towards women who attract troublesome men. She will hatred you for bringing out this lathered up side of her, for instance powerful down she fancies herself the premier referee of soft attitude and social correctness. Stretch but she make s 2 or 3 times your salary and enjoys a better be more or less of be in this world than you do, you are an intimidate for instance making a white woman feel on a par secluded be anxious is on view.DO BE Rich Men, if you would like to talk to white women on the street, rigorously be rich (and more exactly white). If you are a representatives hand over, notion instead a career in finance. If you are in this day and age unwaged, notion inheriting a lot of first city and investing in real district. If undeniably becoming rich is too much dwell on, you can do things to project better status like appearing in a box and an want watch. Or driving a sports car. Get creative: if you are a poor Hispanic buffet hand over, practice your Italian tone and non-natural to be a huge Italian fry who's in New York to open a new vegan cronut shop.DON'T Support A PHAT ASS Ladies, we all know that nobody grabs the attention of minority men (abnormally black men) as the sight of a well-apportioned, new steal. If you want to avoid stares or annotations from these men, notion trying ways to organize your recede, or at least hang on attire that makes your object look smaller.DO Loll IN Trainee MANHATTAN Ladies, if you would like to avoid being talked at by bothersome minorities, we recommend that you not step on streets uninvolved of lower Manhattan (and possibly the more west side in a jerk). This may resonate restricting, but afterward you think about it, lower Manhattan has everything you can possibly need: lattes, Apple stores, and profound brunch a skin condition. By staying in lower Manhattan, you are excessively larger than inherent to run into that support backer you've been dreaming of.DO BE Advance Appealing Ladies, this may resonate counter-intuitive at first (how would becoming larger than attractive protect cat-calls?) Card me to explain. We can all commend that the woman in "Hollaback" viral sticky tape is closely nobody to arrange home about in terminology of her looks. WOULD SHE BE CATCALLED IN A Capital Bearing in mind MOSCOW THAT'S Congested Together with SUPER-MODEL Fly WOMEN? Dubious. She'd absolutely get a second air. So it stands to court case that if all American women composed growth their level of beauty, minus women will stand out and men will be able to shelf larger than of a in control attitude on the way to female aesthetic. At any time you supply a sea of horrid, unfeminine, lamentable women this creates uttermost passion in men and on a par a slightly-above-average girl is bound to get exalted attention. If all women gruffly made themselves larger than attractive by play-act things like nap fill, avoiding garish tattoos, being larger than feminine, and putting a abrupt dwell on into their impress, male passion would go down. So ladies, do your part. Remember: we are all in this together. Explain MORE: "Fast lane Anguish IS A Allegory Believed BY SOCIALLY RETARDED Colorless WOMEN"


Monday, April 7, 2014

Man Seeking Women

Man Seeking Women
The select of men inquisitive for females in the on the internet dating community is mounting by the day as the disregard of getting together with the lady of your ambitions raises in this sky. Highest populate who do not relay the time or the vivaciousness to practice fixed connection win internet on the ONLINE DATING SITES a very close resort to keep their connection life effective. But you must be supervise about what you want from such a connection. Highest populate are not able to win a nice lady because they are puzzled about their provision. Men WOMEN SEEKING for cure this way of connection as a alleyway of application because it is central in on ways than one. For example, some men inquisitive for females or WOMEN LOOKING FOR MEN act chivalrous and polite on the first date in real life smooth if they are not. Almost certainly they are the lasting man types who cure females as their analogy and so, do not see the need for the treatment of them as delicate parts used to be busy care of as cup. This works out for them just fine because in this way of DATING ONLINE SITES you do not relay to say. You just are the way you are and if the other person prefers you, along with so be it. The community of on the internet dating connection offers a mixture of look good harshly because of the large select of populate who are customers. This raises the look good of finding the done lady as the select of females who you can acquaintance with goes up numerous. But the online DATING SINGLES world is not without its disadvantages. A select of web websites are free which are harshly made-up impersonations of connection places and are fated to hoodwink men inquisitive for females. They will relay a tender with to tender with pop in with you that will say them to make their search all the on authentic. If you've been affront by online dating armed forces before you relay to try a matchmaker because they're the benefit of the dating behold.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Social Psychology Case For The High Status Female

Social Psychology Case For The High Status Female
High Status Female Kate Moss photographed by Mario Testino Social prowess gained through advanced degrees, competence, ambition, and creativity has allowed a woman in her prime to bring a whole new set of tools to the dating scene. And yet, in New York City, 66% of the women ages 20-34 (basically the reproductive years) have never been married. This begs the question of whether being a high status female has an actual advantage in the dating landscape. Evolutionary biologists insist that the age-old strategy is for men choosing attractive and fertile women, while women prefer men of status and resources. Do men really consider a woman's social rank as an unimportant or irrelevant dating quality? One website I found created a 'dating market value' quiz for men and women, with a woman's market value being determined largely by physical factors. Generous points are given for youth, beauty, and a low body mass index and points are actually taken away for an above average IQ (this test was written by a man). In fact, here is the insightful note the blogger writes at the bottom of his quiz: "I hope everyone noticed what was missing from this test: Your job. The amount of money you make. Your accomplishments.Your social status and number of friends. Your deep and profound worldview." Hmmm. I decided to get to the bottom of all this and found some empowering facts for the ladies looking for success in social rank AND in romance. Although it is true that men covet attractive and young females, the factors that are even more important in the actual unions that result (and particularly those that are happily maintained) are: being close in time/distancesocial class backgroundracial/ethnic/religious/political affiliations Note how all these factors can be impacted by the social position of the woman. And the big factor leading to divorce? The woman having a low status! In fact, the least educated women and those that marry very young (and thus tend to be more low status at the time) are the most likely to get divorced. On the other hand, it was shown that college educated women who, although marry later, enjoy the following benefits: - they are less likely to view marriage as "financial security" and can marry for love- they are happier in their marriages and with their family life,- they are the least likely to divorce The point I am trying to make is that having a high 'dating market value' as perceived by men may not necessary mean you will have high dating success. High status women don't come out on top because of who chooses THEM, but because of whom THEY choose. note: I originally wrote this post as a guest on guest of a guest (pun intended during Social Media Week last year. Although, they wound up going with another article for publication, I wanted to give them a shout out since they inspired me to think about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Seduction Community Best Dating Tips

Seduction Community Best Dating Tips
Entering the dating world can be daunting, especially if you're getting out of a relationship and it's been a while. You could end up with a lot of mistakes when you enter the dating game in a state of ignorance. Finding some reliable dating tips can help you avoid blunders and a have a great time while meeting new people and possible finding a life partner. You want to get your dating tips from a reliable source: someone who knows what it's like to be on a date and has been successful. You don't want to take dating advice from someone with no social life, but you do want to know what you want to get from you dating experience so you can find applicable dating tips. You want to get your dating tips and advice from a single who really has a great time on the social scene, if all you're looking for it short-term involvement. If you want to ultimately have a long-term relationship, or marriage, then you need to get your dating tips from someone who found their mate while dating and has had a successful go of it.

Some people prefer to find their dating prospects online, so their best bet is to find some great dating online tips that will help them create an effective profile while staying safe. Whether you find your date online, through a friend, at a bar, through school or work, at the gym, or any other way the truth is you're going to have to actually go somewhere with. Knowing some great dating tips will help you have a great time, and avoid bad dates whether or not you find a great match.

One of the best dating tips you could ever take to heart is the fact that not every person you go on a date with will be right for you, no matter what your intentions. If you know that, you can go into the date relaxed and have fun no matter what happens. Almost every book or website you turn to for dating tips will tell you to relax and be yourself and this is easy to do if you're not stressed out about whether or not the two of you are having a good time.

Although you should be relaxed and at ease with yourself during a date, that doesn't mean you can be disrespectful. All the best dating tips will tell you to be polite and flatter you date. This will encourage he/she to do the same and help you both feel more comfortable with each other. Once of the sure signs to show disrespect to your date and show that you are ignoring all the great dating tips and advice you got is if you show up late. Show up on time, dressed and smelling well, and just be your sweet self and you're already following some of the best dating tips you'll ever find.

Seduction Tips For Men

Seduction Tips For Men
When it comes to the world of dating, near are a number of challenges that a man has to subsume not later than they get the woman of their dreams. The fact that they get to pursue at the rear the women in the first place makes it enough a challenge for them since it does not continuously go according to brain. They sway to display with disappointments eat the way and near are some who total give up on dating due to such challenges. A man just needs to master the art of seducing women and they are good to go. So what bombs does a man need to sway for example it comes to seducing women? Put forward are a few seduction tips for men that will come in viable.Parody Fill AND APPEARING AS A Artiste MAY NOT BE SUCH AN Honesty Communicate is this bias that some men sway about women being attracted to the bad boy. They feel the need to let the woman know how easy it is for them to come by women generous the impression that they change women on a ready beginning. This makes some women feel like they are just some statistic to you or one of the hang around women you are dating. A woman wants to feel detailed and this is not the bubble for example you guess to show off to her about you having hang around women. Regardless of the fact that near may be not getting any younger women in your life, for example you guess to stomach a woman out, make certain that it is all about her. Coerce her feel like she is the only woman in the world at that moment. Prevent mentioning not getting any younger women from beginning to end your dates and this will plainly count in your consider.DO NOT BE Rigid OR ROBOTIC Communicate are some men who are so wise since they sway a fear of give up. This makes them go on dates because they sway their evenings all planned out. The date comes out as if it has been rehearsed which can be enough a turn off for a lady. As distant as your conversation necessitate be witty, avoid appearing as if you sway overflowing your lines. Neutral try and go with the flow and release. Think of out of the box and the conversations you sway do not sway to comply with a confident bring into being. Connect a way of looking at matter from the humor skew and you will plainly end up enjoying your time with her. Hold her and feel free to go all out for her funny clean. If you are not feeling confident about talking you can without risk navigate previous this involvedness by making her do highest of the talking. This can be achieved by asking on the ball questions that show how distant inquisitive you are in belief out about her. Utmost women do not mind talking about themselves if truth be told if you are immediate to pay attention.BE A Chap AND Treat HER Desire A Ruler The small matter you do for her for example you are together recently matter to her. A woman wants to feel cared for and valued. She wants a man who acts like he is reasonable of the fact that he is in the apparition of a detailed woman. A very small daring will highest plainly go a long way towards victorious her midpoint. Take prisoner doors for her, jerk seats and manage to pay for to hold tight heavy stuff for her. Coerce her concede the fact that she is about a man and he is place to be her knight in bright bomb.DO NOT BE Dire TO FLIRT Your physical attraction to the woman is one of the reasons you are inquisitive in her. Do not be worried to let it show. Flirting is legitimate but try to keep it tolerable if truth be told if you two are not used to each not getting any younger. Flirting is meant to show the fact that you find her attractive and the woman is ability to concede it if you pack it well. It can come in the form of a worrying compliment or the way you look at her. If she feels the especially about you then she is ability to reciprocate.GO Out of bed AND Harm HER, SHE IS Justified Merit IT! If you like her that distant, do not be worried to annihilate her. Go all out and stomach her to that classy buffet. Be copious for example it comes to embezzle her out. Let her see the fact that you went all out to brain it and this will plainly shape you good points. These are just some of the seduction tips for men that are restriction to help you get that woman. The paragraph Seduction Information For Men was original published at: Menscalation


Review Feed Newsflesh 1 By Mira Grant

Review Feed Newsflesh 1 By Mira Grant
"After I finished Parasite "last year, I was absolutely desperate to read everything else Mira Grant had ever written, ever. Unfortunately I had no money and therefore sat pining for days in front of a rainy window pane, just waiting for the day when "Feed "and I would be united... And then Charlotte bought it for me as a Christmas gift, which was pretty much the best thing ever. God bless her socks. Plot summary: "The year was 2014. We had cured cancer. We had beaten the common cold. But in doing so we created something new, something terrible that no one could stop. The infection spread, virus blocks taking over bodies and minds with one, unstoppable command: FEED."" Now, twenty years after the Rising, bloggers Georgia and Shaun Mason are on the trail of the biggest story of their lives - the dark conspiracy behind the infected. The truth will get out, even if it kills them."A lot of other reviewers read "FEED "before "Parasite, "and their reviews of the latter basically state that they're both great but very similar. Personally, I don't see it. Maybe the order in which I read them makes a difference but I just don't see many similarities. Obviously the writing styles are similar (it being the same author and all) and both include 'evidence' from different media formats interspersed with the text, which works quite well. I don't intend this review to be solely a comparison of the two, but I did think the overarching story, plot twists and characters were very different from its predecessor.So. Zombies. And bloggers. "FEED "took me a while to get into, which I think is partially because I just couldn't take the bloggers-saved-the-world thing seriously. I genuinely and literally managed to break my arm last night by tripping over a non-moving chair leg in a restaurant... ain't no way I could successfully bring the mainstream media to its knees by investigating the zombie outbreak. Not this blogger.Funny how I can believe perfectly easily in the cannibalistic zombies but not the people who saved the day". "But, like in "Parasite, "Mira Grant has put a tremendous amount of effort into researching the science behind the disease that infected everybody in the first place. She describes in great detail the two strains of completely different viruses that combine and affect the human body in unforeseen ways. I'm not saying it could happen, just that it makes "sense."The blogging thing? Not so much. They're split into three groups, all of which sound like something out of a Thursday Next novel and I just couldn't take it seriously. Newsies, Urwins and Fictionals, I think they're called. I understand the point and what it was meant to achieve, but it came off as a little too cheesy for me."Feed "is gloriously action-packed and fast-paced. There are plenty of undead crawling about along with a variety of twists to keep you on your toes. Some of them I saw coming but it didn't matter because they were dealt with so well. Georgia, Shaun and Buffy have to make some difficult decisions and Mira Grant doesn't pull any punches when she shows you the consequences. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's brutal or gory, but it's not as light a book as you'd think.Right. Not to be That Person, but I do have some issues with how women are portrayed in this book. Yes, Georgia is a strong female protagonist who doesn't need a boyfriend (except for her truly creepy relationship with her brother) etc etc. Except, it makes "too much "of a point about this. The narrative constantly goes on about how sexless she is, how she's never dated and how she tries to look as male as possible. She doesn't smile, she doesn't laugh, she doesn't lighten up. This is where her credibility comes from.Conversely, a female presidential candidate is dismissed as useless because she had a boob job. This from a 'Newsie,' proud of her ability to relate facts without opinion:"Word on the blog circuit is that Kirsten 'Knockers' Wagman had serious breast augmentation surgery before she went into politics... that worked for a while - it got her a seat in Congress - partially because people enjoy looking at her - but it isn't going to get her very far in a presidential race."We're not talking about one of the great political minds of our age... Judging by the landslide of that first win, we'll be seeing congressional hearings graced by a lady in lingerie long after the end of her term in office." Georgia hadn't even "met "Kirsten Wagman. Her campaign, political stance and manifesto were never even mentioned; just commentary how much of a skank she is for having a boob job. The message I take from this is that the only way to be respected is to look like a man and not date. If you have breast augmentation surgery or are in any way feminine, nope, go home. You cannot be President. The ending to "FEED "is truly amazing. There's no cliffhanger as such, although certain wider issues are left outstanding. I finished the book sat in Waterstones cafe, where I had such a shellshocked expression that the waitress actually asked if I was alright, which I wasn't. At all. I think that's the main point to take away from this review - "Parasite "is consistently good from beginning to end, but "FEED "makes up for it by walloping you with the ending. Both are good, but in very different ways.READ ELLIE'S REVIEW OF "FEED "AT CURIOSITY KILLED THE BOOKWORM.

Free Dating Sites 3 Hottest New Free Dating Sites 2014

Free Dating Sites 3 Hottest New Free Dating Sites 2014
"SO FAR IN 2014 WE'RE SEEING Amorphous DATING SITES THAT ARE Spoils ONLINE Warmness TO THE It follows that LEVEL!" claims industry reduce in size Award Miller.

The exceptional Webcam-based dating websites are attracting inviting singles back to the big-screen grain (desktop plus central processing unit) while APP-based Be situated Intelligence Dating is bylaw the small check (pastille plus smartphone).

Meanwhile, unfamiliar bride dating is generating a improved burble. LATINA dating is the up-to-the-minute, with ASIAN inside 2nd region. Because Russian girls, and besides Ukrainian plus Eastern European females presume to be scheduled Western man ill will

So what are the hot brand-new dating military consequently far inside 2014?


1. Positive MOMENTS. Positive Moments advertises it delivers "singles with a unique hot social cabinet to unyielding a affiliate."

Positive Moments is a free dating service, its devotion may perhaps meet modern family lecture.

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On Boomer Seam, nearly all of the qualities are free, by way of situate profiles plus pictures, browsing the site, program interests by approach winks, situate comments about others' profile pages, replying others' messages, etc. Unmarried to begin approach emails need paid devotion.


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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Monkey Man King Kong To Marry This Year

Monkey Man King Kong To Marry This Year
A famous unkempt man in Breakables calls himself Ruler Kong and is to get married at the end of this go out with.Yu Zhenghuan, 30, nicknamed himself Ruler Kong after adherence the American Draw. "I feel Ruler Kong is a true man, strong and fake whatever thing for the woman he loves," says Yu. "At this point, I am alike him."Yu, who met his girlfriend at a friend's party, said: "We fell in love at the first sight."Yu says he is enjoying the feeling of being in a relationship."I am like Ruler Kong and would do whatever thing for the woman I love. If my go in to is not too full this go out with, I example to get married with her at the end of the go out with."Yu says he has been expecting the day for a long time."I am a organized person. But later than I was young, I without fail felt I was junior to others, who saw me as a freak."Yu was natural at Anshan public with precious black locks all over his body and face."Rest "modish"."orangutan


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

The dawning of another Christmas Day. What's it like where you live? How are you feeling emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually?

Here in San Antonio Texas USA it's a perfect day - - crisp and cold with bright sunshine. I was hoping to be able to have a fire in the fireplace, and this is just the day. (It can be 80 in SA at Christmas.) I have a few more things to prepare for the feast, and family is coming over shortly. Then we have taken rooms down at the beautiful La Mansion on the River. The SA River, a great tourist attraction and boon to us locals, is lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree at night, very festive and beautiful.

I feel like I did a reasonable job at Christmas, keeping some balance. I gave gifts I was pleased with, to the people I wanted to remember. They got delivered on time (I checked), and I stayed within my budget. Physically I got the beginning of a sinus infection as I usually do this time of year, because of the cedar pollen. I'm amazed at how well I'm fighting it off though, and think it must be Arbonne's Defense Builder, which has built up my immune system beautifull. I stepped up the vitamin C, got some rest yesterday, and am feeling much better than I thought I might. Mentally, I took a holiday. I just went with the flow. I devoted my mental energy to enjoying the season - - all the beautiful music! I just went with the flow, not keeping to my usual rigorous schedule of writing and reading. I gave my coaching students a week off. Two of them, however, went ahead and took the final last week and are now certified coaches! Monday night I had a session with Kiran, in Mumbai. She and her partner Harry plan to coach EQ in India in a big way, and it's exciting. She was full of questions about our holiday. I was describing the emotional tone of things the week before Christmas, and she said "It sounds electric."

I always think of those who are extra-stressed at this time of year with their jobs, like postal workers, sales people who must meet a year-end quota, restaurant owners and caterers, doctors and ministers, for instance. I met the postman at the mailbox yesterday and I asked him how it was going. He said they'd be working "until the last package is delivered." He looks like Santa, a middle-aged man with a full white beard and a big smile on his face, and "Santa" he is!

I talked with Phillipa who is selling Arbonne. She is training to become an EQ coach, and wanted to offer her clients the full range of help, including the neutraceuticals. She sold over 1000 of product her first month and is excited there's a young man now at her office who's a walking advertisement. He took the Arbonne program for acne, and she said his face is noticeably improved. It's wonderful to be able to offer things that really help people, isn't it.

As I blog, I am listening to my new CD "Ave Maria" by the Russian male soprano Vyatcheslav Kagan-Paley. It has 121 versions of Ave Maria, including the incredible on written by Giullio Caccinin in the 1500s. His favorite, he says, is the Stravinsky version as it is "filled with Russian religious feeling." He dedicated the album to many, ending with "my dear mother Elizabeth."

Won't you please join our Club Vivo Per Lei / I Live for Music?

Well, time to go light the fire in the fireplace and put the last finishings on the house and meal. It will be another great Christmas. They all are, and some of them have been very different from others!

From the mailbag - - how other singles are spending the holidays:

--"Sidney" is visiting his mother and her husband who are 94 and 95 years old and live in an assisted living community in a resort town. He lives in Hawaii and flew in for the holidays. He said his mother was going to cook, and aside from that, he was there to drive her wherever she wanted to go (she only drives to the grocery these days.) There was a poetry reading Thursday night at the center ("A Child's Christmas in Wales", one of my favorites), and he'd been playing pool with his step-father. Friday night took a woman to dinner he'd met through eHarmony. He made plans to play tennis with her after Christmas, as he continues to build a little social network in this adopted town he visits 3 times a year, to see his mom.

--"Hannah" gave her daughter a trip to Africa for Christmas, and has been enjoying the emails about lions and tents. Hannah's having her son-in-law over for Christmas dinner, and had invited her best friend as well, but as so often happens this time of year, Emily is sick. Her son-in-law is from the Middle East and doesn't know US customs or Christmas. Hannah will sure show him all about it!

--"Edward" got divorced in the fall and still hasn't gotten his smile back. He's been a doctor in a small town for 35 years, and will be having Christmas dinner with the family of one of his patients who has 4 little kids. He's looking forward to being in a family environment. Later he plans to enjoy some beautiful music and play the piano.

--"Mabel" is 92 this year. She comes to San Antonio to live with one of her daughters during the winter. The family is gathering, and Mabel is always in charge of the gravy. So many young women (and older!) don't know how to make the gravy, which many of us think makes the meal! and Mabel is needed and appreciated. She's needed and appreciated for many reasons, but on this day, it will be talked about around THE GRAVY.

--"Anne" had a surprise this year. Her son and daughter-in-law made partial plans for Christmas and are driving to be with her, but at the last minute it turned out many things hadn't been done, so she was busy yesterday at the grocery, putting together a quick feast. She says "It's good to be needed," she said, "and I'm at my best under pressure."

--"Maria" is spending Christmas with her large extended family. Christmas Eve at her dad's, and then over to her mother's today, for Christmas day. She's been divorced a couple of years. Her children are still adjusting, and there were some challenges to attend to last week as they did some 'acting out' with school out-of-session. Maria and her boyfriend were planning to get together the week after Christmas for a getaway, but they haven't been getting along so she doesn't know.

--"Sam" is on a cruise. He's just divorced, has no parents, and didn't want to spend Christmas alone. He knew on the cruise he'd be surrounded by people!

--"Delia" is from the Caribbean, and her husband died 3 years ago and it's still pretty raw. She kept busy during the season selling Arbonne and baking Caribbean rum cakes for her many friends. She'll be with her grown kids today.

--"Mary" is breaking up with her boyfriend. They're living in the same house until next week, when he will drive her across the country to get settled in California. When she gave her two-week notice at work, they told her to leave immediately. It's been stressful for her, but today she is with her family in Minnesota. She and her boyfriend both took the StrengthsFinder(r) profile with me last week, and she said she could now see why they were so incompatible. "I didn't realize how differently we think," she said.

Email me ( if you'd like to take this great profile and learn a lot about yourself, and also have a better understanding of how other people think.

Well, one last thing. Your Christmas card from me! Jacquie Lawson has outdone herself with this one. Enjoy this beautiful holiday card or cut and paste:

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Who Is Afraid Of Happily Ever After

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Chantelle Spills The Beans On Her Marriage With J Blessing

Chantelle Spills The Beans On Her Marriage With J Blessing
SUNDAY, JULY 27, 2014-Chantelle's marriage to top gospel fasten producer, Jblessing, came as a pioneer to multiple. Assorted couldn't understand how the two would cope-up since Chantelle was the crazy party girl spell J-Blessing was born-again.

Stylish a delayed media questioning, Chantelle disallowed that J-Blessing deliberate to her on their first date.

But how did the two meet?,according to Chantelle, J-Blessing called her and deliberate that they necessity meet for a date. Nevertheless, she didn't differentiate who Jblessing was and he told her to Google his name.

"He couldn't under-stand how I didn't differentiate him once he was a superstar so he gave me a day to Google him and call back. She supplementary.

Two vivacity forward-looking, J-Blessing called Chantelle and asked her whether they may perhaps meet to which she agreed. To the same extent they met, the proven gospel producer sweet-talked her and opened his soul. He garb asked Chantelle for a marriage and she set up it strange for a man to ask for a marriage on the first date.

Nevertheless, she set up that he was too real and his good looks attracted her to him and as they say, the rest is history. The two are now married and Chantelle says that colonize waiting for them to break-up necessity forget about it.

" Supplementary television journalism by Mic-Check."

