Friday, April 22, 2011

A Divorce By Mutual Consent

A Divorce By Mutual Consent

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A divorce is a very emotionally draining affair. It is a long and expensive process that is often filled with heart break and anger. However this is not always the case as countless divorces are done on good terms. A divorce by mutual consent is a very common occurrence.

When people think of a divorce they think of a terrible marriage ending because something bad happened or because the final straw was placed on the camel's back. But this is not always the case. Sure many divorces are because of this but sometimes people split for different reasons.

People live a long time and time does change people. So while you may have loved each other when you got married, and may even still love them now, other things came up. You simply grew apart as you grew up, your interests changed or maybe you simply stopped being interested in one another.

When both parties acknowledge this and accept this, a divorce can happen on good terms. As both parties involved decide it is for the best to split and go their own separate ways. Because this is such a common occurrence in divorces, there is even a special type of divorce made especially for situations such as this.

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A divorce by mutual consent is used for when both parties agree that it is best to move on with their lives and go down their own paths. What a mutual consent divorce entails is rather straight forward and simple. Both parties must have a written agreement on the division of assets.

They need to have a written agreement of how they plan on splitting property, debts, money, custody of any kids, child support, alimony and anything else that might come up. Once they have ironed this all out they can move on with a divorce by mutual consent.

Once you have your written agreement you can take it the courts and have them review it. Despite this being a mutual consent divorce with both parties on good terms, it is still advised to have your lawyers present. If nothing else they can help you iron out your agreement and answer any questions you may have.

With your agreement submitted to the court all that is really left is for the judge to look it over and if they find it acceptable they can approve it and you are pretty much done. There are still details to iron out which is another reason you should have your lawyers present. But all in all it is a very fast and hassle free method for a divorce.

So while a a divorce by mutual consent is best for couples who are separating on good terms. There are still things that you have to take into consideration. While it is not as drawn out and painful as a normal divorce, it still is a divorce and there are a lot of legal matters to contend with.

But once you have all of that squared away and good to go you can get your divorce over and done with pretty quickly, allowing you to move on with your life.

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