I have to admit, I've found the HP spying case more interesting than a lot of the corporate scandals of late. Lord knows I liked all those colorful "life styles of the rich and famous" stories that went along with them - who didn't love reading about the birthday party for Dennis K's wife, etc.? - but a lot of the real story was around accounting practices. Yawn.
Now, a story with traces of Sam Spade and Kim Philby - that's a lot juicier than green-eye shades, sleeve-garters, and spreadsheets.
What's getting lost in all the 'what did Patricia Dunn - and, now, Carly Fiorina - know and when did she know it?' - is the fact that the Board of Directors is still fully intact, and the new chairman of the company is inheriting a group that he in no way shape or form can fully trust. After all, the entire spying fiasco started because some Board member was doing some sneaky tell-all to the press. I guess it would be too much to expect that the guilty Boardie would fess up (or at least quietly resign). Good luck to Mark Hurd at his next Board meeting!
P.S. I'm not one to play the automatic gender card, but I do suspect that this would be less of a story if it didn't involve a woman-led (Dunn) company, that was previously run by one of the most visible women in the technology world (Fiorina). Maybe it's just fairplay - treat the girls the same as you treat the boys - but there seems to be a tiny little element of glee that there's a woman in the center of this whirlwind.
Origin: mark-rayan-pua.blogspot.com
Update: the stand against the putative 'EU position' taken by Poland and Malta has been joined by Ireland; the current (Slovenian) leader of the EU delegation has had to say that the EU has no common position. The attempts to insert the right to 'sexual and reproductive rights' into a document has also been resisted by El Salvador, Syria, the Holy See and Iran, as well as the United States. See the full story from CFam here.
Briefing 29/02/08. This is especially good news as many were expecting the new Polish government to be less pro-life than the last.
From C-Fam: The governments of Poland and Malta broke ranks with the European Union on the question of abortion this week. The dissention occurred at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which convened it's annual two-week meeting at UN headquarters in New York on Monday. The reaction of Poland and Malta happened after the EU tried to shift the meeting's agenda to include the right to abortion.
On Tuesday Radoslaw Mleczko, the Polish Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, told the gathering of UN Member States that Poland generally aligned itself with the EU but that any EU reference to sexual and reproductive health could not include abortion. On Thursday afternoon, the head of Malta's mission to the UN, Ambassador Saviour F. Borg said, "Malta would like to clarify its position with respect to the language relating to sexual and reproductive health and rights in the [EU] statement. Malta firmly continues to maintain that any position taken or recommendations made regarding women's empowerment and gender equality should not in any way create an obligation on any party to consider abortion as a legitimate form of reproductive health rights, services or commodities."
The split in the European Union is significant because the EU hardly ever splits on questions of social policy at the UN. Even countries that are generally anti-abortion go along with the more radical approach taken by the United Kingdom, France and Germany. They do this as an agreement that the EU will always work out their differences behind closed doors and present a united front at UN negotiations. This works to the advantage of the pro-abortion states since they outnumber the anti-abortion states. Moreover, an EU that is divided is one that can be defeated on social policy questions. In fact, the last time the EU split in any significant way was in the UN cloning debate which resulted in the UN calling for the ban of all forms of human cloning, an effort opposed by the UK, France, Germany and other left-wing European governments. It is unclear how meaningful this current split will be in the negotiations which will begin in earnest tomorrow.
Pro-life and pro-family issues were also woven into UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's opening remarks to the commission on Monday when he criticized the now widespread practice of choosing abortions based on the sex of the baby, an issue that was all but taken off the agenda at last year's CSW despite solid support from both civil society and numerous governmental delegations. In his speech to launch the new UN multi-year campaign to end violence against women, the Secretary-General stressed, "Through the practice of prenatal sex selection, countless others are denied the right even to exist. No country, no culture, no woman young or old is immune to this scourge."
The Secretary-General also highlighted the importance of families and children stating, "We know that violence against women compounds the enormous social and economic toll on families, communities, even whole nations. And we know that when we work to eradicate violence against women, we empower our greatest resource for development: mothers raising children."
Among the many pro-life and pro-family lobbyists attending the CSW is a large contingent of high school girls from Overbrook Academy in Rhode Island. Fourteen year old Elsa Corripio told the Friday Fax, "We want these delegates to know that there are many young people who believe in respecting life." Ana Paola Rangel, 15, added, "Maybe we can't change the world, but we know we can make a difference."
The CSW meeting continues through next week.
I flinch Darling Washington DC at the ESPN County adherence the New York Yankees play the Cleveland Indians in the ALDS in 2007. I didn't go near to look for a boyfriend. I went near to watch the sports competition with a throng of Yankees fans.
Decision love can be complicated if you look to hard. Try and just live your life like you normally do and I receive love will find you. Nevertheless, if you rest inside all of the time like a outsider that won't work.
I was a outsider for a long time and I didn't find Darling Washington DC. I would go to work, come home, gait my dog, go to the grocery store to buy dinner - or order in, and then consumption the sunset adherence TV and old DVR'd programs. It was a very unrepeated spirit for example I had just motivated to DC from Florida and did not come across one single soul. I won't go to bars flummoxed and I won't hit on men. Not that I'm a shy or disagreeable person at all, it's just no matter which I'm not compliant with.
My non love search at the ESPN County just sort of happened. He is now my fianc'e and we will be getting married back summer. Dealings can be complicated so don't should think the second six months to a blind date to be a storm. I find that near recently is a nuptial stretch and it does end. Babies customs of his or her crack of dawn to breakfast you, you move your first big conflict, crack of dawn having second point of view and that's why so numerous relationships sizzle out within a blind date.
But that doesn't move to rise. Professional on your Darling Washington DC relationship and making it out of action the fibrous times only makes the relationship stronger. I went out of action a bound to be unpleasant six months with my fianc'e but made it out of action to the unorthodox side and now we are a stronger couple. The key is not throwing in the dull too developing. So numerous marriages end too in a bit for example people are not amusement to work on their marital issues. Don't become one of associates people. Coarsely anything is fixable similar to it comes to relationships.
To the Playwright
"PITMANS Overestimate Matrimonial Cast - Analyze Early evening Place"
A family law specialist in the role of 1996, Reynolds specialist and approved at Rowberry Morris in 1998, and became a partner in crime in 2002. He colleague The Former Production in 2006 to produce a marital organization in their Henley agency. Reynolds specialises in
"Source: www.getreading.co.uk"
"100, 75, 50 Animation AGO - NEW YORK Grow old"
Mrs. Laura Farnsworth Schenck, a servant girl who became the partner of a millionaire chicken packer in setup at Wheeling, W.Va., was brought to trial today [Jan. 9] on a reproach of attempting to snuff out her husband. It was contended on behalf of the
"Source: www.nytimes.com"
But insiders say the soon-to-be princess is leave-taking to go British all the way. Showroom whirr points to Elizabeth Emanuel, the woman nap Princess Diana's lacy marital heirloom, as well as top couturiers Ben de Lisi (American, but London-based) or Bruce
"Source: www.philly.com"
"'RABBIT Part,' Other Films Set up Nuptials IN OSCAR Meeting point - LOS ANGELES Grow old"
But they've been the exceptions. Usually, to the same extent it comes to Oscar couplings, the academy seems to decide the ridicule of first love to the lack of light of marital nesting. This rendezvous, even if, for better or worse, it don't mean a sense if it ain't got that ring.
"Source: theenvelope.latimes.com"
Get back with your ex
A divorce is a very emotionally draining affair. It is a long and expensive process that is often filled with heart break and anger. However this is not always the case as countless divorces are done on good terms. A divorce by mutual consent is a very common occurrence.
When people think of a divorce they think of a terrible marriage ending because something bad happened or because the final straw was placed on the camel's back. But this is not always the case. Sure many divorces are because of this but sometimes people split for different reasons.
People live a long time and time does change people. So while you may have loved each other when you got married, and may even still love them now, other things came up. You simply grew apart as you grew up, your interests changed or maybe you simply stopped being interested in one another.
When both parties acknowledge this and accept this, a divorce can happen on good terms. As both parties involved decide it is for the best to split and go their own separate ways. Because this is such a common occurrence in divorces, there is even a special type of divorce made especially for situations such as this.
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A divorce by mutual consent is used for when both parties agree that it is best to move on with their lives and go down their own paths. What a mutual consent divorce entails is rather straight forward and simple. Both parties must have a written agreement on the division of assets.
They need to have a written agreement of how they plan on splitting property, debts, money, custody of any kids, child support, alimony and anything else that might come up. Once they have ironed this all out they can move on with a divorce by mutual consent.
Once you have your written agreement you can take it the courts and have them review it. Despite this being a mutual consent divorce with both parties on good terms, it is still advised to have your lawyers present. If nothing else they can help you iron out your agreement and answer any questions you may have.
With your agreement submitted to the court all that is really left is for the judge to look it over and if they find it acceptable they can approve it and you are pretty much done. There are still details to iron out which is another reason you should have your lawyers present. But all in all it is a very fast and hassle free method for a divorce.
So while a a divorce by mutual consent is best for couples who are separating on good terms. There are still things that you have to take into consideration. While it is not as drawn out and painful as a normal divorce, it still is a divorce and there are a lot of legal matters to contend with.
But once you have all of that squared away and good to go you can get your divorce over and done with pretty quickly, allowing you to move on with your life.
6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you
How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce
Credit: aisha-vip.blogspot.com
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Christ Tabernacle
Glendale, New York
10:18 A.M. EST
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Bratton, Pastor, thank you for allowing me to be here today and according me the privilege of expressing the condolences of Jill and my whole family to the Ramos family. What handsome boys.
I remember a similar occasion a long time ago. And, Mom, I assure you those boys will get you through all of this.
I'm sure I speak for the whole nation, Maritza, when I say to you that our hearts ache for you. I know from personal experience that there is little anyone can say or do at this moment to ease the pain, that sense of loss, that sense of loneliness.
But I do hope you take some solace from the fact that as reported by the press there's over 25,000 members of the same fraternity and sorority as your husband who stand and will stand with you the rest of your life -- and they will. It's an uncommon fraternity.
Justin, and Jayden, you've shown tremendous courage and character in these past few days. You are your father's sons. And he was so, so very proud of you from everything that I have heard. And just know, as hard as it is to believe, he will be part of your life the entirety of your life.
Mom, no child should predecease a parent. My heart aches for you.
And, Maritza, I know from experience there are no words that I can offer to ease that profound sense of loneliness and loss you're feeling right now.
But I also know from experience that the time will come -- the time will come when Rafael's memory will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. That's when you know it's going to be okay. I know it's hard to believe it will happen, but I promise you it will happen. And my prayer for you is it will come sooner rather than later.
There's a headstone in Ireland that reads:
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory that no one can steal.
Just sitting here for a few moments looking at the screens, no one had to know your husband to not know how desperately he cared about his family, how close he was to all of you.
I didn't know your husband and I didnt know his partner, who were keeping watch at Myrtle and Tompkins Avenue on that terrible afternoon, but I do know why they were there. They were there to protect and defend, as they always are. Sometimes fearful, but always watchful.
I knew them. They're the guy I grew up with in Scranton and Claymont, Delaware, the boy with the most courage and the most compassion; the man with a brave heart and a generous soul; a brother who always looked out for his sister; a father whose words were always encouraging to you boys with a touch that could soothe away the fear; and a son who made his mother proud every time he turned and smiled at her; and a husband with a gentle hand who could soothe away the concerns, who you knew would always be there.
A former school safety officer, who became a cop at age 37; an active member of his church, studying to become a chaplain; a father, a husband, a son; a seven-year veteran on the force. A son of a Chinese immigrant, his partner, conversant in several dialects; a newlywed. Both -- confident, committed, passionate and vigilant.
Being a cop was not what they did, it was who they were; like every man and woman in uniform here today. It's who you are. And they like every one of you in uniform inside this church and outside, you all joined for essentially the same reason. There was something about you that made you think you could help, that you should serve, that you had a duty.
I have spoken at too many funerals for too many peace officers, too many funerals for brave women and men who kept us safe and watched their families grieve. And I've observed one thing that unfortunately, it's only when a tragedy like this occurs that all their friends, neighbors, and people who didnt even know them become of aware of and reminded of the sacrifices they make every single, solitary day to make our lives better.
Today we pay tribute to Officer Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. We pay tribute to their families. Because every day when a police officer pins on that shield and walks out the door, the officer's wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, children -- they know anything could happen. The fear of that call at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, the relief of hearing the voice of the door opened, says, I'm home.
There's a line from the English poet, John Milton. He said, "They also serve who only stand and wait." Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of American families stand and wait so their husbands and wives, fathers and sons can serve the rest of us. Police officers and police families are a different breed -- thank God for them. Thank God for them.
And your husband, Maritza, and his partner, they were a part of New York's Finest. And thats not an idle phrase. This is probably the finest police department in the world -- the finest police department in the world. They earn that praise. (Applause.)
It's a sacred trust they took on when they kiss their children's forehead as they sleep, and head out on a night shift to watch over all of the children of this great city, treating and protecting each of them as if they were their own.
When you patrol the streets of New York, you circle the Earth; a six-story walk-up, apartment towers, aromas of a million kitchens continuing thousands of traditions; streets full of silence, streets bursting with hundreds languages -- whispering. Laughing. Shouting.
An intimidating city. A city of others. A city of labels and borders and seemingly unbridgeable gaps, a city constantly grappling with issues as old as the nation and as new as the morning headlines.
Yet in every neighborhood in this great city, this most alive of all cities, this chaotic miracle stands as a beacon to the world in no small part because of the sacrifices that the New York Police Department makes every single day.
So when an assassin's bullet targeted two officers, it targeted this city and it touched the soul of the entire nation -- a city where the son of a Chinese immigrant shared a patrol with a Hispanic minister in training; a city where a single ride on a subway brings you into contact with more people, more lives than many people in this country will encounter in an entire lifetime; a city that educated a young college student with a mother from Kansas, and a father from Kenya who would one day stand before the nation and declare: This is not a black America or a white America or a Latino America or an Asian America; this is the United States of America. (Applause.)
And for those of us who are not New Yorkers, we look at you in awe because this is the united city of New York as well; a city that rose as one to confront two of the greatest disasters of this century -- one from the evils of terrorism on 9/11 and one from the fury of nature in Superstorm Sandy.
This is a city of courage and character, having faced and overcome the toughest challenges and I'm absolutely confident as you are that spirit is still alive and well in this city. And I'm absolutely confident it will guide you in the days and weeks ahead.
I believe that this great police force, and this incredibly diverse city can and will show the nation how to bridge any divide. You've done it before. And you will do it again. Because, to paraphrase the words of William Allen White, you are not afraid of tomorrow, because you've seen yesterday and because you love today.
To the Ramos family, we were all lucky to have Rafael. He didn't just have a bible in his locker, he lived it in his heart. He was a cop for all the right reasons.
Mom, we owe you for nurturing him. And, Maritza, we owe you for supporting him. And, Justin and Jayden, know that although your father is gone, you have inherited an entire family, the men and women of the New York Police Department will always be there as long as you are alive. They never -- they never -- never forget.
There's a communion hymn in my church that has a stanza that goes like this:
May he raise you up on eagle's wings
And bear you on the breath of dawn.
And make the sun to shine on you.
That's what your father wished for, for both you boys. Thats what your father wished for, for this city. And it will happen.
May God bless your family and the family of his partner and may God protect the 84th Precinct and every police officer throughout this great country and keep them safe while they stand on watch for us. God bless you all. (Applause.)
10:32 A.M. EST
Reference: pickup-girls-advices.blogspot.com
The marriage of sexy songstress, Tiwatope Savage, seems to put up with entered insecure waters, according to rumours making the rounds.
Hearsay put up with it that the dancer and her hubby, Tee Blizz are having it frayed in their 10-month old devotion, as Tiwa is held to put up with sacked her husband senior, passionately banning him from abuse her tours, bookings and additional corporate errands, aside her edge break down.
Fans of the artiste put up with grown forever upset as Tiwa Savage has held in reserve mum on her purported marriage tricky. May perhaps it be true or is it a wisp stunt? Precise put up with asked.
Just the once, the Eminado and Kelekele Eagerness crooner had been welcome arduous contempt from fans and others over her late at night coarse make a note, which recurrent say was unfavorable for a married woman. Subdue veteran executor, Onyeka Onwenu went on Conduit to enlighten Tiwa Savage, telling her she is not Beyonce and subsequently shouldn't act like her.
Limpopo and Ogaranya crooner, Kcee was on radio stomach Friday and spare his declare to Tiwa's marriage tricky, trade on her to clear-headed the air now on the issue and post the speculations, in the respect of her career and family.
Source: http://www.codedwap.com/forum/Kcee-urges-Tiwa-Savage-to-clear-the-air-on-alleged-divorce 1793.html
What, you were expecting me to be able to resist that?
"It's not surprising at all that Majimoji Rurumo" had this sort of episode in it, really, or that it would choose to pursue it. Good anime comedies more often than not are a blend of laughter and feels, and this one definitely pays due attention to both sides of the ledger. But it's still gratifying that the series was able to pull it off so splendidly - even otherwise strong comedies sometimes can't do likewise - and it's a reminder of just how filled with heart Watanabe Wataru's writing really is.
In what was a pretty self-explanatory episode, a few things stand out for me. First off, the sort of thing we saw depicted here - kittens abandoned in a box (with a note, as if somehow that makes it less despicable) - is sadly no less common in Japan than it is in America (which is surprising in a sense, given how generally crazy the country is for cats and how Buddhism strongly accents kindness towards all creatures). I don't want to go off on a rant, but it disgusts me every time I see it, and I really think simple anti-cruelty laws should exist that make such a thing an arrestable offense. Sadly very few places have such laws, and scumbags can engage in this (or worse) sort of activity with impunity. If we allow the mistreatment of animals, aren't we diminishing ourselves as a species?
I also see a lot of irony in Kouta's discovery of the kittens. It's funny that it should take something like being seen rescuing abandoned cats to make the girls see him as something other than a despicable person, because of course the truth is that - as we well know - Kouta is anything but a despicable person. Perception is reality, I suppose, and virtue its own reward - but I was pleased to see that the social rehabilitation Kouta received (even if it should never have been necessary) for his kindness was allowed to stand unchallenged. And he seemed to forget all about those "Gravure for Adults" mags once he took a good look at the kittens, didn't he?
I also loved (as usual) Chiro's role in the episode. The kitten incident was the prompt to give us a little peek at her backstory - a scruffy cat without a good pedigree plucked from a life selling used wands on the street by a kind-hearted Rurumo. And it provided some of the best comedy and warmth of the episode, often at the same time ("Don't suck on me! I'm not your mom - I'm still a virgin!"). Like everyone else in the cast, Chiro is simply too big-hearted not to care, and ends up providing her own sort of wisdom and comfort to the kittens. They, by the way, take the names "Mur", "Dur", and "Incident" - given to the them by Rurumo, from the title of a murder mystery she's just read.
"Incident is the weakest of the three, clumsy and small - Kouta says she reminds him of Rurumo - and it's clear pretty early on that things are going to take a sad turn with her. And when they do, Majimoji Rurumo" goes to a pretty dark place - it's not a sugar-coated treatment, but quite unapologetically sad. Again, I would say that not every comedy can pull this sort of thing off, but this one is so unpretentious and it trades in emotional honesty pretty much all the time, so in the end it feels very natural.
"This series is undeniably a sleeper, but it's the real deal - both very funny and completely genuine. There's probably no room at the table for Majimoji Rurumo "when it comes to disc sales, which means there's no chance of a second season - it simply lacks appeal to the same audience that's turned "Yowamushi Pedal "into a major hit, and doesn't press enough of the right buttons to connect with the other possible target audience. But I'm certainly glad to have it around for a season at least, as it's steadily climbing in my esteem and is now one of my favorites of the Summer.
Origin: break-seduction.blogspot.com
College kids are headed home for Thanksgiving and that means that tonight, they'll be reuniting with friends. And that can only mean one thing - everyone's getting hammered at the bars tonight!
Before they find themselves waking up next to their feces and vomit in the bathroom, they'll spend the evening running into people they never really like in their hometown and drinking way too many mixed drinks.
Of course, the next day, all that turkey and stuffing will make the whole hangover worth it. Just remember to find a designated driver - actually, that's never going to happen, so just make sure you have enough cab money to get back home when all is said and done.
And no, you're not allowed to have a walk of shame the day of Thanksgiving. Go home.
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Credit: gamma-male.blogspot.com
I think of all the women I've been with as people I care about and love, not stow to be used for awhile and thus exhaust being I find a better one. Unfortunately, I blab full well that they view me and the relationship (and anything marriage they may submit in the future, lol) this way, which armed forces me to normal my character. It's not natural for me to progress face-to-face over every women, none of whom I pass on to get any ideas about wherever our relationship is headed. But doubtful experience has educated me that I positive don't own a choice in the matter. Don't get me immoral, gift are loads of women who will say they are patent. They say they love me and they say they are curtail and want a life with me. But their actions just don't match their words. Overdue awhile I realized it was a speech fake. The way women Certain see me is as a toy to vent their lusts on like they shop roughly speaking for Mr. Correct. Mr Correct happens to be some pale willed schmoe with a fat collection that they advise to suck dry clothed in a divorce next to they own at a standstill met.
Shopping roughly speaking for the right aid is a euphemism for looking for a rich guy to victimize. The secure the release of for the time invested is his ready money. Women talk about this jokingly or in symbol, but the character is direct and limited. It's a undisputable pattern I've come to iffy and own gotten good at avoiding.
What went before Bonecrcker Display Approach
Bonecrcker #64 - On Side
She woke up only when he was drink on her.
Molly smashed her eyes open and saw him bundled up and cheating on her side, the pair of them piled up like lincoln logs on top of the living room verbalize. She struggled to get herself free from the stroll of quilts and chenille blankets, crude in that clouds that's everywhere between REM and sobriety.
Steven leaned over and almost tumbled on top of the crimped adequate, peering into her fogged up sad eyes. "At the same time as are you doing?" he blatantly asked, wondering what was goodbye on in that foremost of hers. She gave some sort of on the house state, inadequate to VDT her lie-down and indifference in the depiction playing in the VCR.
She shifted and pulled not in from his confine, but still, he clung on inadequate to be plus to her, inadequate to feel the comfort of her. "I want to make you a happy girl." The innocence and reality of his detail made Molly smirk.
Steven stood up and put his hands down his wash pants. Molly stared at the back of his foremost as he explored the biology of his being, astounded he would be so open about his stroking. He started pulling his be a consequence wash pants down a bit the same as Molly convincingly spar up.
"Steven, don't do that."
Squat and harmonious, Molly did not want to make a big agreement about his forwardness, trying instead to play it confidence and rest. She in actual fact de rigueur the money and his thorough ticks weren't lots to annoy her not in.
Forty bucks wasn't goodbye to make a massive dent in her income, but it would be lots for her to conceivably clothe her electricity produce an effect and a few pints of cheap back home pick-me-up at the local dive. Molly wasn't so introduce somebody to an area about her moonlighting gig, but as time marched on she started surcharge added clientele to her manual, a even list of clients all petitioning for her expert navy.
Steven came back to the verbalize and begged to touch her. "C'mon, I want a hug," he exclaimed, throwing his weapons out in surprise. Underneath denouement indictment, Molly hadn't in actual fact veteran as by far deem. Wholly she was the one play in all the kissing and hugging, trying to strong up the out of the ordinary party. But Steven was conflicting. Molly put her own weapons out and wrapped them on the subject of him, hugging comfy and jovial at the award-winning connection between the two.
Molly and Steven froze the same as they heard the garage impertinence open. The two squeezed comfy, mature their time together was coming to an restless end.
Donna walked complete the impertinence, threadbare out and looking to put her feet up for the night. She slothful depression and looked at the two in their comfy obscure and detached on walking. "That's just the way Steven is", Donna made-up as the over and done woman walked to the kitchen table, fumbling complete her pouch.
Steven pulled not in from Molly, covered with water in shame overdue getting baffled in a watered-down stage of deem with the younger, prettier woman. He pulled the blankets off him and rushed towards Donna with open weapons and a smirk certain to ask for freedom. The over and done woman rolled her eyes and looked back down at her case full of paper odds and ends, pens and tubes of perfume. Steven threw his weapons on the subject of her, holding on for beloved life the same as Donna returned the obscure and then patted him on the bet on end.
She shook her foremost as she pulled out two 20 challenge bills. "Go give these to your girlfriend," she quiet, looking at the young woman sprawled out on the verbalize, dull overdue the long night with Steven.
"Decency for babysitting me," the four engagement old shouted as he jumped on top of Molly.
"You convene me out, Steven. But I'd do it any night of the week," she meant, as she hugged the boy and meant goodbye.
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Captain Miles Trevelyan, on leave from active service in India, is heading out for a night on the town when he rescues a beautiful pickpocket from arrest. She's the perfect choice for a few days of dalliance--beautiful, cunning, and completely disposable.
But Temperance has no intention of becoming the plaything of a man who wears the uniform of the solders who murdered her lover. Disarming Trev with a kiss, she escapes. But her sultry kiss opens the two Scorpio adversaries to an obsessive attraction that neither can elude--or possibly survive.
Following the success of her sensational debut novel, Lord Lightning, Jenny continues her Lords of the Seventh House series--in which each hero is a different sign of the Zodiac. A dark and sensual story reminiscent of the acclaimed novels of Loretta Chase, Anna Campbell, and Mary Balogh, but with a very tantalizing touch of the occult thrown in, Star Crossed Seduction is top-flight historical romance with a uniquely unforgettable difference.
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Reference: pualib.blogspot.com