I posit one day we'll all be driving odd looking vehicles powered by some alternating generate. I don't grant what that generate will be - probably that orange dust they rainfall on Cheetos, probably magnetized mushroom, or probably LOW fructose corn syrup, who knows? However it turns out, we'll always brandish the memoirs of group gas guzzling, carbon monoxide belching, groundwater contaminating son-of-a-guns we call automobiles.I think a big consider we've procrastinated in developing an alternating enthusiasm escape is being there's everything about a in the shade car that makes a man feel like a man. I'm not committed why that is - maybe, it's just brilliant marketing. Positively, in the vintage world (i.e. the 50s - 70s), van ads and shows "always" had a intentionally positioned sexy woman nearby the car. By some means, the image of a lovely model floating atop a granola powered econo-transport just doesn't jingle to brandish that extraordinarily "life".So, without further ado, let's get on with the women cool express oil sucking, vapor spewing, change upshot machines of the past. Enjoy!
Origin: art-of-pickup.blogspot.com
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